Centennial Corner
During a recent lunch, League member and former League president Yvonne Pine graciously shared with me this wonderful, intriguing book, Votes for Women! A Portrait of Persistence. The book encapsulates many of the photos in the National Portrait Gallery’s exhibition of the same name, which Yvonne visited with her husband Stanley, also a League member and former League treasurer. The exhibition is part of the Smithsonian Institution’s American Women’s History Initiative “Because of Her Story.”
Yvonne lent me the book so I could have some time to enjoy the story of women’s empowerment to get the vote. I have been captivated by the careful writing of the story to include how American women of all races and backgrounds were forging and flexing their brain power and active energy to achieve the passage and ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment.
Our LWV certainly is 100 Years Strong. Perhaps during our local year of Centennial celebrations, we will form conversation circles to include our own voices in the discussion of “Because of HER.” You can send me an email about it at president [at] lwv-pa.org.
—Pat Coulter