DEI Spotlight

DEI Spotlight


Pinkie Promises

As the fallout of the Democratic presidential candidates’ campaigns continues, it’s not hard to see that America will once again end up in November with an older white man in the White House, regardless of which party is victorious. Hard to believe when the race began with such diversity—and yet, is it?

As Elizabeth Warren reminds us in replying to reporters’ questions, “If you say, ‘Yeah, there was sexism in this race,’ everyone says, ‘Whiner.’ And if you say, ‘No, there was not sexism,’ about a bazillion women think, ‘What planet do you live on?’”

As an African American woman, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that sentiment as it relates to being black. I was struck to hear Senator Warren lament about the little girls who made the pinky promises and how they will have to wait four more years. I began to think that for me, personally, I may never see a woman in the White House, much less a woman of color. I’m happy though, that young girls saw so many diverse women in the race for president—that’s powerful. I do find it difficult to dismiss the misogyny and sexism in this country.

The pinkie promises Senator Warren made may not come true this November. However, young women and girls need to know the realities of this, while at the same time feeling empowered to push through it. Who knows, perhaps that oppression will continue to fuel their energy—as it has for so many other groups I know intimately.

—Pat Coulter

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