The Cooperstown Area
The Cooperstown Area
Make A Difference!
How? Join the League of Women Voters at these upcoming events.
Wednesday, March 12, 12:30-2.Please join the LWVUS United Nations Observer team's presentation “Democracy at Risk: Reactions to the Voter Decline Globally.” LWVUS CEO Celina Stewart will join other panelists to explore barriers to civic engagement and solutions that have proven effective in their respective countries. Register today. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Thursday, March 13, 7 p.m.:The Federal Judiciary Consensus: How Should Judges Be Held Accountable? Our League will join the LWV Saratoga for a presentation on the LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study. The goal of this study is to develop a LWV position on the Federal Judiciary—the US Supreme Court as well as the other Article III Federal Courts — as an essential component of US democracy. Issues include judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics. You don’t have to be an expert on the topic to participate. The League has written a study guide on the topic. The League will use the position to lobby Congress on this important topic. Register today to participate.
Wednesday, March 19, 6 p.m. Become a Democracy Defender! More than ever, members of the public—that's you—need to acquire the skills needed to take action and participate in democracy outside of the election cycle. Join the LWV New York State' for this new civic education series that will focus on building advocacy skills. The first topic is effective lobbying. RSVP here for this online event.