Minutes July 2020

Minutes July 2020



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2020  

5:30 pm, via Zoom



Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Debra Barger, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Lori Fuentes, Patty Haley, Toni Reid, Kim Shaffer, and Satsie Veith

  1. 1.     Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm.

2. Share Your Political/League Story

Board members introduced themselves and discussed their interest in the work of the League. 

3. Approve May 26th Meeting Minutes

The May 26th meeting minutes were approved.

4. LWVBC Bylaws

Debra reminded board members that the recently updated bylaws allowed for virtual meetings. Board members discussed the increased amounts for membership dues. The membership year is a calendar year. The annual census for league membership, which determines the number of voting delegates allowed for convention, is typically in January.

5. LWVBC Nonpartisan Policy

Board members reviewed the LWVBC Nonpartisan Policy. This is a policy for our local league. Board members discussed participation in ballot measure campaigns and what it means to take a “visible or leadership” role in the campaign. Debra updated board members that some local leagues prefer to have forum moderators who are not part of that race’s constituency. That is not a practice the LWVBC has followed at our forums.


Satsie moved and Roxanne seconded a motion to affirm the LWVBC Nonpartisan Policy. Motion passed unanimously.

6. LWVBC Board Norms

Board members reviewed LWVBC board norms about working together with civility.


Kim moved and Patty seconded a motion to affirm the LWVBC board norms. Motion passed unanimously.

7. Determine Dates/Times for 2020-2021 Board Meetings

Board members agreed to hold meetings on the second Tuesdays of each month from 5:30-7 pm. Meetings will continue to be over Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic.

8. Appointments for Board Vacancies

There are four vacancies on the board: 1st Vice President, Director for Government, Director for Social Policy, and Director for Natural Resources.

Maureen Kirk has agreed to serve in the Director for Government position.             


Sandra moved and Toni seconded a motion to appoint Maureen Kirk as Director for Government. Motion approved unanimously.

Claire Greene has agreed to serve in the 1st Vice President position.


Toni moved and Satsie seconded a motion to appoint Claire Greene as 1st Vice President. Motion approved unanimously.

There are still vacancies for the positions of Director for Social Policy and Director for Natural Resources. Please let Debra know if you have suggestions for these two positions.

9. North Valley Community Foundation Agreement

Sandra updated board members about the LWVBC’s North Valley Community Foundation (NVCF) account. The LWVBC is a 501(c)(4) organization. We use the NVFC for our 501(c)(3) educational, tax deductible account. Sandra and Debra recently discussed the league’s NVCF agreement with Bill Hubbard, NVCF’s general counsel and director of gift planning.

In the past, LWVBC had two accounts at NVCF. Those accounts were recently merged into one endowment account. As of March 1st, LWVBC had approximately $30,626 in its NVCF account. IRS rules have changed such that boards are not allowed to limit future boards in terms of payout amounts. If payouts are limited, which is the case with the LWVBC account, the account cannot be an endowment account. To address this issue, Debra and Sandra suggested updating the name of the LWVBC Endowment Fund to LWVBC Education Fund. Bill suggested adding a donation link to the LWVBC website that would take people directly to the NVCF site for credit card processing, making it easier for people to donate to the LWVBC’s education fund. Debra and Sandra will bring a draft of the proposed updates to the league’s NVCF account to the board for approval.

Debra shared that an anonymous donor will pay for the LWVBC’s office rent for this fiscal year in the amount of $4,000.

Snow Goose Festival, LWVBC’s co-tenant, may have to cancel this year’s festival. They have confirmed they will continue to pay the additional $100 per month in rent through December 2020, but they do not yet know if they can continue to pay the additional $100 per month beyond that date.

10. Planning One Year: Focus on Fall and Revised Processes with COVID 19

Debra proposed the board focus on fall events because of the time sensitivity of upcoming events. With the extension in the U.S. Census to October 31st, there are potentially more Census activities this fall. Debra said the plan is to produce a Voter newsletter every other month. Board members discussed additional possible fall events, including ideas for candidate forums and pros and cons presentations. Ideas discussed included recorded events, radio broadcasts, Zoom events, and events shown on public access television. For the U.S. House of Representatives District 1 race, LWVBC could perhaps coordinate with the two other leagues in District 1, the Redding League and the Western Nevada County League. Board members also discussed plans for the voting centers in Butte County.

Tradition is that the LWVBC holds a fall membership coffee on a Saturday morning in September. Board members discussed ideas for the fall coffee, agreed to hold the event over Zoom, and discussed perhaps asking Candace Grubbs to give a virtual tour of the Butte County Hall of Records. 

11. Communications: Bimonthly Voter Newsletter, E-Bulletins, Facebook, Instagram, Photos, Flyers, Etc.

Lori and Debra will set publication dates for upcoming Voter newsletters. Submission due dates will be 7-10 days prior to publication dates. Debra asks that all board members contribute material for newsletters and bulletins.

12. Preparing for August Meeting: Filling Board Vacancies, Committee Appointments, Draft Fiscal Year Treasurer Report

Debra welcomes suggestion for vacancies. The board will make committee appointments at the August meeting.

11. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.