Friday, June 18, 2021 - 5:00pm to Sunday, June 20, 2021 - 3:45pm
The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania invites you to attend the 54th Biennial Convention on Friday, June 18 (5PM-8PM) and Saturday, June 19 (10AM-4PM)
This year’s theme is The League: Keystone of Democracy. The 2021 Convention will take place virtually, and offers the chance to embrace our history and celebrate 101 years of the League of Women Voters.
You can expect plenary sessions on bylaws, budget, program and election of officers, as well as delegate voting and awards distribution. In keeping with years past, you’ll hear from influential speakers on a number of timely and relevant topics. There will also be plenty of opportunities for connection and engagement among members.
Register today to take advantage of Early Bird rates! Accessible pricing and sponsorship options are available.
Questions? Email convention [at] palwv.org.