Leaders Update 2021 February

Leaders Update 2021 February

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February 2021

Table of Contents
Advocacy and Program

LWVC/EF Post Board Summary

President's Letter

Hello League Leaders,

I hope you are feeling rested and are regaining your equilibrium after a year that felt like ten years. This is the time in the League cycle that is deceptively quiet. But we League members know this is really just the time to plan for the future. There is work to be done.

Program Planning meetings and Legislative Interviews are happening right now. Thank you for participating in the webinars that explained what, why, and how these critical acts play into preparing for the upcoming LWVC Convention, LWV issues for emphasis for the next two years, and for League Advocacy in the California Legislative Session. I thank everyone that is attending planning meetings within your Leagues. Please remember that Legislative Interview reports are due on Monday, February 22. Please also remember that the Program Planning reports are due on Monday, March 1. 

This year, 2021, offers the League the opportunity to help Californians shape the contours and contents of the legislative, congressional, county, city, and special district lines for the next ten years. Even though the census data that redistricting is delayed, the preliminary work is underway. There is great opportunity for Leagues to educate their communities about the vital importance of this process. The LWVC offers a toolkit to help in your League’s education efforts. LWVC offers Speakers Bureau trainings, two of which are coming up in the next couple of weeks. This is the perfect time to reach out to other organizations in your community to work together to involve everyone in your communities. 

And finally, planning for the LWVC Convention is underway. I’m sure you will not be surprised to learn that this convention will be conducted online. Convention events will run throughout the week of June 7-13. Please save these dates! Workshops will occur from Tuesday through Thursday. Every registered attendee, delegate or not, can attend the workshops. We hope this will enable your League to attend all the workshops that interest you. More information will be posted at https://lwvc.wordpress.com/

The business portion of Convention will be Friday through Sunday. Please take a look at this spreadsheet to learn of the number of delegates your League can send to the business section of Convention. If you have any questions, please email convention [at] lwvc.org.

As you can see, this section of time in the League cycle is not really a lull at all. Let’s be grateful that we have time to thoughtfully plan for an impactful 2021 of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy. Thanks for all your work and dedication. Take care of yourselves.


Carol Moon Goldberg

Red Horizontal Line

Advocacy and Program

The League of Women Voters has a strong voice in Sacramento, and with the start of the new Legislative session, our state Advocacy Team, comprised of 45+ League volunteers, is beginning its work to watch for, study and analyze bills of interest for League action based on our positions. The Advocacy Team is led jointly by LWVC staff, Deputy Director Dora Rose, and LWVC Vice President for Advocacy Gloria Chun Hoo. Andrew Muse-Fisher, our Trudy Schafer Fellow for Public Policy, plays a pivotal role helping to manage and execute the work. 

Last year, LWVC commented on, supported, or opposed, nearly 80 pieces of legislation. For a wrap-up of Advocacy work in the 2020 session, check our Advocacy Wrap-Up 2020 It was an unusual session due to the pandemic with a significantly limited legislative session. The restrictions due to Covid-19 will continue through 2021.

Legislative Interviews - Responses Due February 22

Our public policy work is strengthened with constituent contacts as part of our annual program of local Leagues conducting legislative interviews with elected state Assembly and Senate representatives. Internal League materials for the interviews may be found here. The February 22 deadline for submitting reports is fast approaching and those reports should be submitted online here.

Program Planning - Responses Due March 1

In addition, local Leagues are in the process of conducting Program Planning meetings where members discuss what they feel should be our state priorities and programs for education and advocacy for the next two years. Local Leagues may find materials here and are urged to have their reports in to LWVC by March 1 and to submit those online here. These responses will be aggregated and reviewed by the state board and voted on at LWVC state convention in June.


Don’t wait for census data! The process of redrawing the district lines is underway. There is great opportunity for Leagues to educate their communities about the vital importance of this processSee the below and think of ways you can spread the news and work with other organizations to make sure your community members have a voice in the redistricting process.

Local Government Redistricting

Local redistricting is underway. This includes a huge number of agencies – cities, counties, school districts, community college districts, and special districts. It also includes a variety of forms of redistricting. Some local governments have independent redistricting commissions, some have advisory commissions. For the rest – which is most governments – the council or board is responsible for drawing their new lines. 

The actual redistricting – drawing the new lines – won’t occur until after the release of the census data sometime this summer. Meanwhile, all the agencies can be doing public outreach – education about redistricting, and getting input about communities.

The League role in redistricting is to observe and publicize, and to ask/plead/challenge the agencies to follow best practices for their redistricting. Educate your community! Join in partnership or coalition with other organizations in your community to educate your community about the rules of redistricting and best practices for accomplishing it. The LWVC offers explanations and tools to help your League engage in the activity that will shape the decision making in your community for the next ten years. See theLWVC members only website for a wide variety of resources to do your work. Ask to join the Redistricting Google Group by emailing hhutchison [at] lwvc.org (Helen Hutchison). The group is a great place to get your questions answered and to hear what other Leagues around the state are doing. 


Sign up for LWVC Redistricting Speaker Training – offered two times:

To learn more about redistricting in your community, or to find out how you can participate in League work on redistricting, contact redistricting [at] lwvc.org.

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January 2021 Post Board Summary

LWVC/LWVCEF Boards of Directors Meetings
January 30, 2021 – Electronic Meetings


  • February 15, 2021 – Presidents’ Day
  • February 22, 2021 – Legislative Interview Report Forms due to LWVC
  • March 1, 2021 – Program Planning Report Form due to LWVC
  • March 8, 2021 – International Women’s Day
  • June 7-13, 2021 – LWVC Convention 2021 – Virtual – See Convention Blog


The LWVC Board of Directors acted as follows:


Ratification of Special Meeting Actions

  • December 22, 2020 – Executive Committee Meeting – Personnel Matters

Personnel Matters

  • Approved a Cost-of-Living Adjustment for staff.


  • Received and filed the October 2020 Financial Summaries and Reports.


  • Heard an overview of recent events for members utilizing the webinar and zoom platforms. Areas covered included: program planning; redistricting; legislative interviews; and advocacy. See details in separate board reports.


The LWVCEF Board of Directors acted as follows:


  • Received and filed the LWVCEF October 2020 Financial Summaries and Reports.


  • Discussed possible special elections for the coming year.

Caroline de Llamas
LWVC/EF Secretary
cdellamas [at] lwvc.org

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