Minutes March 2021

Minutes March 2021



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2021  

5:30 pm, via Zoom


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Debra Barger, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Lori Fuentes, Claire Greene, Patty Haley, Maureen Kirk, Toni Reid, and Satsie Veith


  1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

The February meeting minutes were approved.


3. Current FY Budget to Actuals/Draft Budget for 2021-22


Budget to Actuals

What is the best way to report the LWVBC’s various fundraising and contribution efforts? Board members discussed the bookkeeping mechanics of whether the LWVBC Budget to Actuals document should show income from both the regular checking account and also include fundraising income from the league’s NVCF education fund account.


On the Budget to Actuals document, the line for “Contributions & sponsorships” accounts for extra donations members make when they renew, separate donation checks sent to LWVBC, the check for census phone banking, the donation to cover the league’s office rent, etc. Income from members purchasing LWV yard signs is reported under “Other” on the document.


What is not currently shown on the Budget to Actuals document is the funding from the NVCF education fund and its interest. The funding on the NVCF education fund must be spent on educational activities. Board members discussed what kinds of expenses are considered educational. Because NVCF funding can only be used on educational expenses, LWVBC should not show it as income on the league’s Budget to Actuals document. Because the NVCF account earns interest, it is better financial practice to use funding from the checking account for educational expenses when feasible.


Debra, Sandra, and Toni will have a separate conversation about how to set up the Budget to Actuals document for contributions and fundraising and report back to the board at a future meeting with a plan.


Draft Budget for 2021-22

The Budget Committee recommends maintaining and keeping the LWVBC office. In the 2021-22 budget, one option is to remove fundraising from the budget with an explanatory note that the primary fundraising will be through NVCF.


Board members discussed the Voter Registration contract with Butte County and whether that should still be included as income going forward. Board members discussed the financial outlook for the LWVBC if the contract with Butte County is not a source of income going forward. Board members will continue the budget discussion at the next meeting. Sandra will provide an Assets and Liabilities report, including a report on balances, income earned through NVCF, and cash on hand.


4. Program Planning Review

Board members debriefed the program planning meetings. Debra thanked board members for their work hosting break-out room discussions at those meetings. Helen Gesick is updating the LWVBC website with the state league positions we support. Please let Debra know if you come across webinars of interest to league members.


5. Nominations Committee (6pm, time certain)

Elaina McReynolds, chair of the Nominations Committee, updated board members about plans to seek nominations for open board positions. The Committee is working on drafting position descriptions for the open positions. The Committee will host two information Zoom sessions for anyone interested in the board positions. Elaina and Debra will attend those meetings. The Committee will call members to recruit nominees. If you interested in being a nominee for a board position or if you have any recommendations, please email Elaina within the next week.


6. New Facebook and Instagram Account Administrator

LWVBC has a new Facebook and Instagram account administrator, Tim McAnulty. Lori Fuentes also has access as the back-up administrator. Jane Wanderer is stepping back from that position so she can focus on Voter’s Edge activities.


7. LWV Day of Action, April 29

The national league wants all local leagues to be engaged with the April 29th LWV Day of Action. The focus for the LWV Day of Action is on voting, reapportionment, redistricting, etc. Board members discussed options for participating over Zoom. Debra will contact Candace Grubbs about a potential event, and Lori will send a list of suggested event ideas from other leagues.   


8. Preparation for LWVBC Annual Business Virtual Meeting

Board members reviewed the draft agenda for the LWVBC annual business meeting, scheduled for May 24th at 6 pm over Zoom. Voting at the meeting will be handled through Zoom’s voting functions.


Debra discussed the history of the Mita Markland Award and the nominations process. Past recipients of the award are involved with the nomination. Debra will connect with a few former recipients about making a nomination.


The packet for the annual business meeting needs to be drafted in April so it can be sent to league members in time for the annual business meeting.  


9. LWVC Virtual Convention Delegate Planning

LWVBC is authorized four delegates to the state convention, planned for June 8-13. The cost is $75 per voting delegate. Other attendees who are not voting delegates can attend for $25. Access to caucuses is no charge. If you are interested in serving as a voting delegate, please email Debra.


10. Other Business/Adjourn

The Role of Journalism in Preserving Democracy panel discussion is on Wednesday, March 10 at 6:30 pm and is open to the public.


Meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm.