Advocacy Groups

Advocacy Groups

How To Get Involved - Local Advocacy Groups
Affirmations      Logo for Affirmations
Affirmations LGBTQ+ community center has been the hub for southeast Michigan LGBTQ+ communities and it’s allies for the last 30 years. We provide a welcoming space where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities & expressions, and cultures can learn, grow, socialize and access the vital support they need!
"We are regular people from Michigan who are working togeter to get climate laws passed. We believe that the only way to tackle climate change is together. We connect over shared concerns, build consensus, and work with elected officials from every party towards climate solutions."
Mission: To protect our environment, health, economic well-being and community quality of life. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems.
 Community Action to Promote Healthy Environments (CAPHE) is a community-based participatory research partnership that includes community-based organizations, the health practice community, environmental organizations, and academic researchers. We are working together to develop and implement a public health action plan to improve air quality and health in Detroit.
Detroit Change Initiative's mission is to educate people about resources available in their community, connect them to opportunities to influence changes they want to see, and create a platform that amplifies the people's voice for collective change. 
Detroit Disability Power's mission is to leverage and build the organizing and political power of the disability community to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in Metro Detroit.
The Detroit Greenways Coalition (DGC) works to promote and build a network of greenways, Complete Streets, and bike lanes that will connect people and places, improve the quality of life, beautify neighborhoods, and stimulate neighborhood-level economic development in Detroit.
Mission: Advocating for a healthy environment through innovative community and policy action that values all people.  
We are older and younger people.   We are an intergenerational,  non-profit peace and social justice organization with members in Southeast Michigan, including Detroit and the Counties of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb.  We work on issues which affect people of all ages: universal health care, peace, strengthening Social Security and Medicare, challenging discrimination, education reform, economic justice, fair labor practices and campaign finance reform.
 JustAir was founded in 2021 with the belief that no matter what community someone is born into, it's their right to breathe clean air.
MEMJ is a broad and bipartisan coalition supporting Michigan's clean energy sector.
MAJIC is a coalition of organizations in Michigan that have come together to achieve and actualize Climate Justice for the house of the Great Lakes.
Michigan Climate Action Network connects and amplifies individuals, communities, and organizations confronting the climate crisis in Michigan and supports them in advancing equitable climate solutions with the urgency science demands for the environment and all that live in it.
End Gun Violence Michigan is a coalition of 45 faith, student, teacher, parent and community organizations all working together to make our state safe from gun violence. [LWVMI is a member]
Michigan Environmental Council—a 501(c)(3) charitable organization—is a coalition of over 80 organizations created in 1980 to lead Michigan’s environmental movement in achieving positive change through public policy solutions.
The Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition (MEJC) works to achieve a clean, healthy, and safe environment for Michigan residents most affected by inadequate policies. We work in alignment with the Principles of Environmental Justice, and cultivate relationships based on the Jemez Principles. We build power and unity within our community, so we all can thrive.
The Michigan Recycling Coalition (MRC) represents recycling and composting interests statewide. The Coalition is a recognized authority on waste reduction, beneficial utilization, recycling, and composting through the experience of its staff and committees.
Email: info [at]
 Michigan United     
"We are a coalition of labor, business, social service and civil rights members all across Michigan, fighting for the rights of homeowners, renters, immigration families and students."
Our mission is to provide resources to help nonprofit organizations that are led by and engage BIPOC people become self-sustaining in their mission to bring social justice to their communities.
 The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia (Explanation). It has been enacted into law by 15 states and DC with 195 electoral votes (Map of states). It needs an additional 75 electoral votes to go into effect.
It is our desire for the residents of and visitors to Michigan to come together around our common concern: Protecting the amazing resource that is the Great Lakes.
Planet Detroit is a weekly email newsletter update to help you get smarter about the environment in Detroit and Michigan.
We focus on explanatory, solutions-based, and investigative reporting, and we have a deep commitment to community engagement around local environmental issues.

We have a keen understanding of the issues and the attention of local activists, nonprofit and business leaders, and other local media.

Our mission is to provide a strong credible voice that holds public officials and government accountable, assists in the promotion of progressive ideas and uses state-of-the-art web based new media to creatively build grassroots support for progressive ideas.


Rank MI VOTE     Rank MI Vote logo
Rank MI Vote is a Michigan-based volunteer-run non-partisan non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about electoral reforms and Ranked Choice Voting.
A non-partisan, non-profit organization rapidly building support for ranked choice voting through grassroots organizing.  Provides training on presenting, canvassing and pitching RCV, letter to the editor workshops, and organizer training.
SBN Detroit will mobilize businesses and organizations of all sizes and galvanize bold action to make Southeast Michigan – with Detroit at the epicenter – a global leader in sustainability.
Sierra Club groups are run by local volunteers who host educational programs, outings, political and conservation activities, and general meetings. Group activities are tied to current environmental issues important to the community and family health. Sierra Club outings and group programs are open to the public -- everyone is welcome and you don't have to belong to that group to participate. The Southeastern Michigan Group now has a Climate Change Committee.  Sign up here to learn more about the group.
Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision brings together residents, community organizations, agencies, businesses and industry to improve the environmental conditions and strengthen the economy in Southwest Detroit. SDEV has a community plan of action that addresses land-use, clean-up and redevelopment of contaminated sites, air quality improvement, abandoned buildings, illegal dumping and recycling. Through community organizing, educating and mobilization of residents on environmental health and justice issues, advocacy and redevelopment efforts, SDEV creates healthier and safer living conditions for the entire community. [at] (Email) | Phone: (313) 842-1961

Sunrise Movement     Sunrise Movement

WE ARE THE CLIMATE REVOLUTION - Together, we will force the government to end the era of fossil fuel elites, invest in Black, brown and working class communities, and create millions of good union jobs. We’re on a mission to put everyday people back in charge and build a world that works for all of us, now and for generations to come.

SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals working to undermine white supremacy and to work toward racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.

Third Act Michigan is an inclusive community of Michigan Elders united to fortify our democracy and create a sustainable future for our planet.
"Voters Not Politicians" defends and promotes policies that strengthen democracy.  Michigan's government must truly represent the will of the people, all votes must count equally, and all voices must be heard.  Our representatives must not be unduly influenced by lobbyists or special interests or motivated by personal gain.
 info [at]
Transportation Riders United is a nonprofit that has been working since 1999 to improve public transit in greater Detroit through education, engagement, and advocacy.
"Michigan LCV is the only nonpartisan political organization in Michigan with protecting your land, air, and water at the center of our work".
The goal of End Gun Violence Michigan is to consider and decide whether a gun safety ballot initiative is possible in 2024. We are working to answer a number of questions: what policies are the most effective and most popular? What coalition partners need to be involved? Can we raise the resources necessary to win?
Moms Demand Action is a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. We pass stronger gun laws and work to close the loopholes that jeopardize the safety of our families. We also work in our own communities and with business leaders to encourage a culture of responsible gun ownership. We know that gun violence is preventable, and we’re committed to doing what it takes to keep families safe.
Citizens for Peace (Livonia based)
The mission of the Citizens for Peace is to be responsive community leaders centered on learning, educating and facilitating the practices and principles of non-violence in the world.