The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania and Fair Districts PA invites you to "Zoom" in on a statewide workshop to learn how to prepare maps representing fair election districts for submission to the Legislative Reapportionment Commission as they redraw the legislative and congressional districts for the next 10 years this fall.
The July 7 workshop starts at 7 p.m. and ends at 8:30 p.m. It is free and open to the public.
Redistricting bills have died in Senate and House committees and the Legislative Reapportionment Commission will completely control the redistricting process to set new state legislative and congressional districts. People-Powered Maps, a project of LWVPA, will submit its maps meeting Fair Districts criteria to the commission in the hopes of influencing its decision-making.
Learn how you can draw your own maps and weigh in on the process of drawing new districts. To register click here.
Anne Mosakowski
President, League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County