7/13/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

7/13/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 7/13/2021

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Minutes from the June 22nd meeting were approved; fiscal officer Lise Russell and road superintendent Brian Langston were excused from the meeting.

Public Comment:
Two members of the public representing the Democratic Central Committee members from Franklin Township addressed safety and parking concerns related to the August 19 Republican Party fundraiser featuring Marjorie Tailor Green at the Overlook. Trustee Hanna said that the township will contact the Sheriff's office and also the Overlook management to ensure that the event will be handled safely in terms of traffic flow, parking, and crowd size.

Road Report
Regarding concerns about driveway piping on Woodway Dr., per state guidelines: the owner must buy the pipe and the road crew will install it. The owner must do the cement, and any other piping by the owner must be inspected by us. Also, we should not be digging up culverts or putting in other piping. Trustees Benjamin and Hanna inspected a truck under consideration for purchase; it was considered not a wise buy for the township. The replacement truck will be a utility truck to be used on job sites by the entire crew.

Zoning Report:
Inspector Ciccozzi described an inspection at the old Brady Lake School properties related to a complaint about garbage and other debris at indoor and outdoor common areas; this yielded approximately 12 violations. There is a dispute between the homeowners' association and the property owner about who is responsible for these areas. The Garfield Street request to convert a garage into a residence has been approved. A Woodway resident is constructing an ark on his property; no permits have been applied for. An individual has expressed interest in purchasing the property formerly housing Mars Motors to initiate a bonsai tree business. Treasurer Cromes called about the foreclosure on the Garrett property; if the landbank does not want it, ownership will revert to the township. Finally, Yummy Garden will become an Indian restaurant.

Fire Report:
Deputy Fire Prevention Officer Smith reported that the Arby grand opening was June 28. Also, Gabriel Brothers has started work on its new project. The projected car wash project behind Cane's may be defunct.

Old Business:
There was an update on contract negotiations between the township and Kent regarding fire and ambulance coverage; talks are ongoing.

Townhall window washing will take place this week.

Trustee Swan reported that a large parking lot gathering at the Hookah Palace on Rt 59, resulting in dangerous racing along the Rt. 59 corridor.

New Business:
Follow-up with the Sheriff's office is needed to secure consistent representation at board meetings.
Regarding the PCDD proposal for use of Brady Lake Park for a Special Olympics site, there has been correspondence back and forth regarding project specifics. Trustees will walk the property with PCDD officials in order to have more clarity about the projected use of the space.
The finance report on the 2022 township budget has been submitted to the county auditor.

Finance Report:
Payment of bills totaling $111,518.18 was approved.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was approved.

Which members of the board/council were present: Ann Hanna, Scott Swan, Keith Benjamin

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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