Minutes June 2021

Minutes June 2021



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

June 8, 2021  

5:30 pm 

883 Oak Park Avenue, Chico, CA


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Debra Barger, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Claire Greene, Patty Haley, Maureen Kirk, Toni Reid, and Satsie Veith


Guests Present: Linda MacMichael, Janet Rechtman, and Freddie Shockley


  1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm. Prior to the meeting, board members and guests met at 5:30 pm for dinner and refreshments at Debra’s house. Thank you to Debra for her hospitality.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

Toni moved and Roxanne seconded a motion to approve the May minutes. The May meeting minutes were approved unanimously. 


3. Welcome/Introductions/Thanks

Debra thanked board members for their work over the past year. Board members and guests shared stories of how they became involved in the LWV and their appreciation for the work of the league.


4. Feedback on Annual Meeting/June Newsletter Input

Board members shared feedback about the annual meeting and appreciated that attendees were expected to read the reports in the meeting packet instead of board members making reports at the meeting. The online election polls at the meeting went smoothly.


Debra asked board members and guests to contribute articles for the upcoming newsletter. Ideas include: LWVC convention reports, annual meeting election results, reflections on journalism and democracy, information about redistricting, and introductions of incoming board members.


5. Filling Board Vacancies

The board still has three vacant director positions: countywide liaison, observers’ corp, and assistant for voter service (board appointment).


The board needs to recruit members for the vacant positions and appoint members to complete the rest of those terms. Board members discussed how a league member who is interested in redistricting would be a good candidate for the assistant voter service board position.


6. Advocacy on Bio Mass

Board members discussed plans for advocacy on the issue of bio mass. Toni shared her knowledge about bio mass with board members and suggested the LWVBC could encourage Butte County to explore new state-of-the-art, sustainable bio mass technology.



Toni moved and Maureen seconded a motion that Debra send a letter to the Butte County Board of Supervisors encouraging them to research and review Butte County Fire Safe Council’s bio mass project to make a determination whether the project is feasible. Motion passed unanimously.

7. Redistricting Feedback Planning

Board members discussed that we should try to engage more people with the issue of redistricting. Debra suggested that more LWVBC members could attend redistricting trainings to become more knowledgeable about the issue and suggested convening LWVBC members to have a conversation about redistricting. Having that membership conversation could possibly allow the LWVBC to pursue giving testimony before the California Citizens Commission.


8. LWVC June Convention Update

Caucuses and workshops started yesterday. Satsie, Roxanne, and Debra are the LWVBC voting delegates at the convention. Patty and Jane Wanderer are also participating as non-voting attendees. Registration for the convention is still open, and the LWVBC will reimburse members for their registration fees.


9. Other Business/adjourn

Adjourned at 7:42 pm.