Minutes July 2021

Minutes July 2021



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2021  

6:30 pm 


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Roxanne Ferry, Lori Fuentes, Claire Greene, Janet Rechtman, Toni Reid, Freddie Shockley, and Satsie Veith


  1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6:32 pm.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

The June meeting minutes were approved.


3. Confirm Time and Place of Future Board Meetings

Board members discussed the time and place of future board meetings. Board members were agreeable to a 5:30 pm start time for meetings in person on the second Tuesday of the month, perhaps with an alternating in-person/virtual meeting schedule in the future.  


4. Review LWVBC Policies: Bylaws, Norms, Nonpartisan Policy

At some point during this year, we need to update the LWVBC  bylaws to bring them into conformance with state and national bylaws and to include an diversity, equity, and inclusion policy. We might want a bylaws committee to review the bylaws for points of clarifications and possible revision.

Board members did not have any questions or concerns about board norms or the nonpartisan policy.


5. Filling Board Vacancies

We are three members short of a full board. The vacancies for the countywide liaison and assistant for voter services can be board appointments because those are partial term vacancies. For the observers’ corp director, there needs to be nomination for that position and a league vote.


6. Appointments to Nominating Committee

Linda MacMichael is the chair of this year’s nominating committee, and Erika Montanez and Caroline Aldrich-Langen are also on the committee. According to the bylaws, there needs to be two board members on the committee appointed at the first board meeting of the new fiscal year.  Board members suggested asking Sandra Flake and Patty Haley if they will serve on the committee at the next board meeting.


7. Decision Regarding Dues Envelopes

We are running out of dues envelopes, and our past printer is no longer in business. Board members discussed whether we should discontinue with the printing and mailing of dues envelopes and instead notify members to pay their annual dues either by finding their own envelopes to mail in their dues, paying through the website, or paying at the Fall Coffee.  

Board members discussed different ways to reach LWVBC members and inform them of the various ways to pay their dues. There was a consensus to discontinue printing and mailing dues envelopes and the fall newsletter with the exception of a few members who may need printed copies.



Janet moved and Toni seconded a motion to discontinue printing and mailing dues envelopes and to go electronic with the fall newsletter.  Motion passed unanimously.


8. Fall Coffee Plans

The Fall Coffee will be on September 11th at the Elks Lodge Pavilion. The reservation for the pavilion is for 9 am-1 pm. We are hoping for a speaker who can talk about a historical perspective on recall elections and direct government in general. Mahalley will ask Professor Charley Turner from Chico State, who is a former LWVBC board member and teaches courses on the presidency and state and local government.


Fall Coffee Schedule:

9:30 am: coffee and social mingling

10 am: program start - Satsie will welcome members, explain why the league is important, remind members about paying annual dues, and have a recognition of September 11th before the speaker.


Satsie asked for interested board members to join a fall coffee committee. Janet, Roxanne, and Satsie will join the committee. Anyone else who is interested is welcome to join the committee. Linda Lunsford and Carol Burr will likely also help with the committee.


Board members discussed ways to introduce Fall Coffee attendees to league committees and get them to sign up to participate.


9. Feedback on 6/29 Planning Meeting: Next Steps

Patty has been lining up people to help with voter registration events at the Thursday night market, Johnny Appleseed Days, Dia Del Campesino, and Salmon Festival.


Board members discussed initial ideas for the January membership meeting, which is traditionally a potluck. Board members are leaning toward having a panel discussion about housing and homelessness issues.


Toni is chairing the Natural Resources Committee, which will work on organizing an informational presentation about the sources of water in Butte County and how water is distributed.


10. Newsletter: Next Issue, Frequency

Board members discussed having more frequent communications, such as bulletins, and more reminders about events. The goals are to disseminate information, encourage people to vote, and increase participation at events. One suggestion is to send a weekly email with the top three things to know from the league that week, with information, facts, and event reminders, etc. Lori is working on updating the email contact list for the league, and she suggested bringing together a media or communications group to work together. Satsie will send an email to ask for interested members to join a communications committee.  


11. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm. The next board meeting is scheduled for August 10th at 5:30 pm in person at the league office.


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Roxanne Ferry, Lori Fuentes, Claire Greene, Janet Rechtman, Toni Reid, Freddie Shockley, and Satsie Veith


  1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6:32 pm.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

The June meeting minutes were approved.


3. Confirm Time and Place of Future Board Meetings

Board members discussed the time and place of future board meetings. Board members were agreeable to a 5:30 pm start time for meetings in person on the second Tuesday of the month, perhaps with an alternating in-person/virtual meeting schedule in the future.  


4. Review LWVBC Policies: Bylaws, Norms, Nonpartisan Policy

At some point during this year, we need to update the LWVBC  bylaws to bring them into conformance with state and national bylaws and to include an diversity, equity, and inclusion policy. We might want a bylaws committee to review the bylaws for points of clarifications and possible revision.


Board members did not have any questions or concerns about board norms or the nonpartisan policy.


5. Filling Board Vacancies

We are three members short of a full board. The vacancies for the countywide liaison and assistant for voter services can be board appointments because those are partial term vacancies. For the observers’ corp director, there needs to be nomination for that position and a league vote.


6. Appointments to Nominating Committee

Linda MacMichael is the chair of this year’s nominating committee, and Erika Montanez and Caroline Aldrich-Langen are also on the committee. According to the bylaws, there needs to be two board members on the committee appointed at the first board meeting of the new fiscal year.  Board members suggested asking Sandra Flake and Patty Haley if they will serve on the committee at the next board meeting.


7. Decision Regarding Dues Envelopes

We are running out of dues envelopes, and our past printer is no longer in business. Board members discussed whether we should discontinue with the printing and mailing of dues envelopes and instead notify members to pay their annual dues either by finding their own envelopes to mail in their dues, paying through the website, or paying at the Fall Coffee.  


Board members discussed different ways to reach LWVBC members and inform them of the various ways to pay their dues. There was a consensus to discontinue printing and mailing dues envelopes and the fall newsletter with the exception of a few members who may need printed copies.



Janet moved and Toni seconded a motion to discontinue printing and mailing dues envelopes and to go electronic with the fall newsletter.  Motion passed unanimously.


8. Fall Coffee Plans

The Fall Coffee will be on September 11th at the Elks Lodge Pavilion. The reservation for the pavilion is for 9 am-1 pm. We are hoping for a speaker who can talk about a historical perspective on recall elections and direct government in general. Mahalley will ask Professor Charley Turner from Chico State, who is a former LWVBC board member and teaches courses on the presidency and state and local government.


Fall Coffee Schedule:

9:30 am: coffee and social mingling

10 am: program start - Satsie will welcome members, explain why the league is important, remind members about paying annual dues, and have a recognition of September 11th before the speaker.


Satsie asked for interested board members to join a fall coffee committee. Janet, Roxanne, and Satsie will join the committee. Anyone else who is interested is welcome to join the committee. Linda Lunsford and Carol Burr will likely also help with the committee.


Board members discussed ways to introduce Fall Coffee attendees to league committees and get them to sign up to participate.


9. Feedback on 6/29 Planning Meeting: Next Steps

Patty has been lining up people to help with voter registration events at the Thursday night market, Johnny Appleseed Days, Dia Del Campesino, and Salmon Festival.


Board members discussed initial ideas for the January membership meeting, which is traditionally a potluck. Board members are leaning toward having a panel discussion about housing and homelessness issues.


Toni is chairing the Natural Resources Committee, which will work on organizing an informational presentation about the sources of water in Butte County and how water is distributed.


10. Newsletter: Next Issue, Frequency

Board members discussed having more frequent communications, such as bulletins, and more reminders about events. The goals are to disseminate information, encourage people to vote, and increase participation at events. One suggestion is to send a weekly email with the top three things to know from the league that week, with information, facts, and event reminders, etc. Lori is working on updating the email contact list for the league, and she suggested bringing together a media or communications group to work together. Satsie will send an email to ask for interested members to join a communications committee.  


11. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm. The next board meeting is scheduled for August 10th at 5:30 pm in person at the league office.