LWV Event: At Home with the League: Fighting Voter Suppression

LWV Event: At Home with the League: Fighting Voter Suppression

Logo of the League of Women Voters


Tuesday, September 21, 2021 - 6:00pm
LWV representatives from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Texas will discuss strategies for fighting voter suppression in their states.

Voting times, restricted registration and purged voter rolls have kept large numbers of eligible voters from the polls, affecting all Americans and putting extra burdens on racial minorities, poor people and younger and older voters.

Fast-growning Black and Latino populations are fighting back. Join the NYC League of Women Voters on Wednesday, September 21 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. as it hosts  a virtual meeting with members of the Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Texas Leagues for a discussion of their efforts.

Register here.