Informed speakers for and against TWD will answer questions on what the proposed district is, how it would work, and whether it would be beneficial or detrimental for our county.
The speakers are
1) Tovey Giezentanner,
Spokesperson for the TWD. Chico-native Tovey Giezentanner served in the Wilson Administration during the 1990s and later as a key political advisor to Arnold Schwarzenegger during his campaign for governor in 2003 and during the 2004 election cycles. Currently, in addition to providing government relations support to organizations, causes and companies throughout California, Giezentanner owns a small manufacturing company in Chico. Giezentanner attended Chico State and served in the U.S. Army.
2) Ed McLaughlin,
Petitioner for the TWD, former BC Supervisor, current President of Durham Unified School Board.Farmer, During his tenure as supervisor from 1985 to 1997, McLaughlin led the effort to gain voter and Board approval of the Groundwater Conservation Ordinance (Chapter 33), which created one of the strongest county groundwater protection ordinances in the state and formalized the county role in monitoring and assessing groundwater. McLaughlin owns a farming operation just south of Durham, is a long-time board member for the Silver Dollar Fair, and is involved in several local charities and causes.
3) Aimee Raymond,
Member of Butte County Water Commission, former member of Rock Creek Reclamation District Board. She is also the founder of the newly formed Butte Water Watch, a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring our local water is sustainably managed and kept underlocal control. She has a MS in Systems Engineering and a BA in Chemistry. She recently retired as a Engineering Fellow at Johnson & Johnson where she was managing their global supply chain technology innovation project portfolios. She is currently developing a novel method for rice growers to continuously measure and monitor their field's water depth.
4) Barbara Vlamis,
AquAlliance's Executive Director with over 30 years of experience in urban planning and protection of groundwater and wetlands through advocacy, education, and litigation.
The meeting will be recorded and available on the web site within two days.