LWV and AAUW Co-hosting a Virtual Discussion on Women's Rights and the Supreme Court

LWV and AAUW Co-hosting a Virtual Discussion on Women's Rights and the Supreme Court

Women's Rights and the Supreme Court
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 7:00pm
Co-hosted by: AAUW Deerfield Area, League of Women Voters Deerfield Area and
League of Women Voters Highland Park/Highwood

November 17, 2021 at 7 pm
Registration for this zoom event is required, see below ...

Join Julie Strauss, Ph.D., for an in-depth discussion of how the legal rights of women have expanded during history and where they stand today.  She will pay particular attention to current issues surrounding access to birth control, same sex marriage, employment discrimination, and, of course, abortion.  Don't miss this stimulating discussion about the evolving nature of women's rights as perceived by the Supreme Court. 

Mark your calendar now so that you'll be ready for our online gathering.  Click here to register in advance for this program. 
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