Minutes September 2021

Minutes September 2021



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2021  

5:30 pm 


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Lori Fuentes, Claire Greene, Janet Rechtman, Toni Reid, Freddie Shockley, and Satsie Veith


Guest Present: Debra Barger


  1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

The August meeting minutes were approved.


3. Fall Coffee Reports

Satsie has been in contact with the manager of the Elks Lodge about a possible refund or discount due to the Elks not arriving on time to turn on the electricity at the fall coffee event. At the event, LWVBC members parked on the grass, which we were not supposed to do. He offered either a partial refund of $100, which would need to be approved by an Elks committee, or a $250 discount on a future event. Board members reached a consensus to request a discount on a future event, and Satsie will ask the Elks manager for no time limit on the discount and if the discount can be used on any Elks facility.


Sandra reported that we have budgeted $2,600 to be used on meeting facilities this year and have spent $536. We budgeted $500 for meeting expenses/hospitality, but we do not spend a lot in this area.

We budgeted $300 for printing but probably will not spend a lot on printing.


4. Update and Possible Vote on County Contract

Board members reviewed the draft voter registration outreach agreement with Butte County. Suggested revisions have been sent to the county, but the LWVBC has not yet received a response. Board members discussed how LWVBC distributes voter registration forms throughout the county. Neither Chico State nor Butte College need LWVBC to bring them voter registration forms. The LWVBC cannot “oversee” Chico State or Butte College, so that provision should be removed.



Janet moved and Lori seconded a motion to table voting on the contract until we have a final contract to review. Motion passed unanimously.


5. Report on Civics Education Outreach Meeting

Claire, Toni, and Satsie recently met with several people from Chico State and Butte College and discussed possible ways LWVBC can partner with both institutions on future events, especially the Office of Civic Engagement and Associated Students at Chico State. LWVBC members who want to work with college students might be interested in getting involved. Another idea is to have an intern from either Butte College or Chico State work with LWVBC in the future.




6. OLLI Connections

Janet shared about her OLLI connections with the board. Debra Barger is offering a civics course with OLLI this fall. Board members discussed whether the LWVBC can rent OLLI facilities for a modest price. Janet will find out more information about renting OLLI facilities in early evenings and/or weekends and report back.


7. Budget & Fundraising Committee Reports

Lori reported that the budget committee would meet in February. In January, Sandra will provide a 6-month budget report. Toni will work with Margaret Swick and Andy Holcombe on fundraising ideas. 


8. Vote to Approve Additional Budget Committee Members



Claire moved and Roxanne seconded a motion that Toni Reid, Mary Jensen, and Carolyn Dusenbury become members of the Budget Committee. Motion passed unanimously.


9. Dues Payment Period - Bylaws Issue

Some community members who are not LWVBC members have expressed interest in participating in the league’s social policy work. Can members of the community who are not LWVBC members still participate? If community members want to attend public events, they are welcome to attend. If they want to be a more significant part of LWVBC committees, they should be members.


The dues payment bylaws say that “(d) Dues for each calendar year are payable beginning on the preceding September 1, by which time each member will receive a dues notice. Any member who fails to pay dues by January 1 shall be dropped from the membership rolls,” but also say “(e) Dues paid by new members after May 1 will be considered dues payment for the following fiscal year.”


Board members discussed at length how to interpret the dues payment bylaws, their contradiction, possible bylaws revisions, and also who to send dues payment reminders to each fall.


10. Bylaws Review in General

In addition to the revision of the dues payment section, there are other revisions needed for the bylaws. For example, we need to incorporate the diversity, equity, and inclusion policy as required from LWVUS. We need a bylaws committee to work on the revisions. Sandra, Satsie, Claire, and Janet all volunteer to be on the bylaws committee. Satsie will ask Carolyn Dusenbury and Carol Burr to join the committee.


11. Planning - What's next? 

Now that the fall coffee is over, what should LWVBC focus on next? In December, we should have a holiday party. Is it feasible to have an outside holiday party during the day in early December, perhaps in someone’s yard? Board members did not reach a consensus, with about half of the board preferring Zoom and about half preferring an outside party. Board members will continue to consider the holiday party options.


In the next year, we will have programs on water and homelessness. For the water program, should we plan an event on Zoom or an in-person event? Because we do not know what the pandemic conditions will be like in January, some board members prefer Zoom events. Board members discussed possible locations for an in-person event. Toni will provide feedback about the program at the next board meeting.


Linda MacMichael and Satsie propose sending an email survey to members in October seeking their ideas and information about what types of things they would be willing to do for the league (committee work, help on the day of events, etc.).  Freddie will help with a draft of the survey.


Satsie suggested a new member orientation in mid-late October. Roxanne will work on the orientation. Freddie and Satsie have discussed having a program next year on campaign finance and money and politics. We will also have candidate forums next year for the June primary. Board members discussed other possible program ideas for this fall.


Jane Wanderer is returning as the LWVBC Facebook administrator. Thank you to Tim McAnulty for his work.


12. November Newsletter Articles

Satsie asked Professor Charley Turner, the fall coffee speaker, to write an article about the recall election for the November newsletter.


13. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm.