Minutes Special Board Meeting September 2021

Minutes Special Board Meeting September 2021



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Special Board Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2021  

5:30 pm 


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Claire Greene, Janet Rechtman, Toni Reid, Freddie Shockley, and Satsie Veith


Guests Present: Tovey Giezentanner and Maureen Kirk 


  1. 1.     Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm.


2. Elks Lodge Discount

Board members confirmed that they are willing to accept the $250 discount offered from the Elks Lodge due to their failure to get power turned on timely at the fall coffee event on September 11. The Elks manager confirmed the discount is only for the pavilion, not inside facilities, and the discount will apply only until September 11, 2022.


3. Proposed Tuscan Water District

LWVBC was asked to help put on a community informational forum regarding the proposed Tuscan Water District. Satsie invited Maureen Kirk and Tovey Giezentanner, who is a consultant and spokesperson for the Tuscan Water District, to discuss the proposed forum. Tovey had the idea for the forum and approached Maureen to ask if the League would participate.


Tovey and Maureen, as well as board members, introduced themselves. Tovey explained the history of the proposed Tuscan Water District. In 2020-2021, interested parties collected petitions and then submitted an application to LAFCO (Butte Local Agency Formation Commission) to officially form the Tuscan Water District. LAFCO will not be holding a public forum to get input from the community on this proposal ahead of its own public hearing process. Tovey believes there is value in a neutral party holding a public forum and moderated discussion on issues of water so that both sides of the issue could discuss the proposed water district. A public forum would also give people who live in the proposed water district the opportunity to ask questions.


Board members reviewed LAFCO’s process for making decisions, potential public forum ideas, and who might attend an event on this topic. Tovey explained that the league would have full control over the event, including full editorial control over the forum’s questions and the invited panelists. Tovey suggested he could represent the Tuscan Water District side and the League could also invite someone from the opposite side, perhaps someone who is supporting the Butte County Water District. Having an event in mid-late October would be ideal before LAFCO starts its public hearing process.


Board members discussed special water districts, such as landowner voter districts. Tovey explained the pros and cons of these districts. Claire reviewed the LWVBC process for handling forums.


After Tovey left the meeting, board members discussed whether to host a public forum on the proposed Tuscan Water District and the potential format. Board members reached a consensus to host a public forum over Zoom on this issue. Claire is happy to help moderate the event and set up the Zoom event. Maureen will help find the speakers for the event. We will also need knowledgeable questions to ask at the forum. The board will tentatively meet again on Wednesday, September 29th at 5:30 pm for a progress check.


4. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 6:49 pm.