Are you interested in running for public office in Wellesley's March 1, 2022 election? Now's the time ... nomination papers are now available at the Town Clerk's office.
To assist potential candidates, the League of Women Voters of Wellesley held a virtual presentation of "How to Run for Local Public Office" on December 1, 2021 via Zoom. Mark Kaplan (Town Moderator) reviewed the Town government structure and how it works, and KC Kato (Town Clerk) described the offices on the ballot and the pragmatic nuts and bolts of running a campaign. Both have run campaigns in the past and were able to speak from their personal experience. As Moderator, Mark is responsible for running Town Meeting and for making appointments to various committees, notably the Advisory Committee. Mark is a retired municipal labor lawyer and has served on Advisory Committee and the Human Resource Board. Town Clerk KC is responsible for running state and local elections in Wellesley, registers voters, keeps the town's records, and provides administrative support to Town Meeting. Currently in her second 3-year term as Town Clerk, KC previously served on Town Meeting, the School Committee, Wellesley Educational Foundation, Wellesley Scholarship Foundation and Wellesley's A Better Chance.
Nominating papers for the 2022 Town Election are available as of December 1, 2021 and more information on local elections can be found on the Wellesley Town Clerk's website.
Also, check out our new Road Map to Running for Office which is a quick overview of the steps necessary to run a campaign. Our comprehensive and updated 2022 Candidate Handbook is also available.
For those who weren't able to attend, here's a video of the program: