12/14/2021 - Kent City School Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

12/14/2021 - Kent City School Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Committee/ Council Observed: Kent City School Board

Date of Meeting: 12/14/2021

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and the introduction of all those present.
PROCLAMATIONS. to honor the two outgoing board members were read. Dr Marlene Dorsey & Mr. Ryan Ferrara were thanked for their many years of service to the Board.

Each year the Kent City School District recommends an appointment to the Kent Free Library board. This year’s recommendation is for Mr. Peter Perkowski to serve on this board.

Stanton Middle School administrators, Anthony Horton and Kathy Scott presented board members with Christmas gifts and expressed their appreciation for the board’s continued support.

On November 19, 232 staff members received their Covid booster shots at Stanton Middle School. On December 6, 538 children in the 5 - 11 age range received their second dose of the vaccine which was administered by Akron Children’s Hospital staff. This number is down 60 from the 1st dose. Following up on why there were 60 fewer children returning for their 2nd dose, it was discovered that most had received their 2nd shot elsewhere, several forgot the appointment, and 9 had come down with Covid thus delaying the 2nd shot. Volunteers had dressed up in Star Wars costumes, making it a fun experience. So far, the Superintendent is very pleased with the response to the vaccine clinics. He said the district has no vaccine mandates. Looking at the Health Department’s statistics for Kent State and the city of Kent, it appears that the Kent State students are taking the virus very seriously. The district is closely monitoring the Delta and Omicron variants and will keep the mask mandate in place as it is continuing to be effective and is keeping the kids safely in school. The Federal mask mandate for masks on busses will continue until March and the district will comply with this mandate.

NUTRITION REPORT. The district is following the USDA standards for all food that is served in the schools. ARAMARK, the provider of the food, has a website that shows what is contained in the food.

FINANCIAL REPORT. The general operating fund will receive revenue from the property taxes in February. The interest income was approximately $58,400 this year. Investments received interest of .09%. The Federal Reserve speculates that they will be raising interest rates in 2022.

MINUTES APPROVED from the last meeting.

PERSONNEL. Several retirements and requests for leaves of absence were accepted and some subs were approved. Eric Morgan, RHS German teacher since 1996, was honored as he announced his intent to retire.

DUES. Ohio School Board dues of $9,000 was approved for payment.

POLICY. Ohio requirements for graduation literacy standards were approved.

CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF ORDERS $24,000 approved for additional funds needed for ongoing projects. Protecting gas lines requires additional underground work. Walls Elementary is adding 2 new rooms to connect to the main building. Additional funding is required to ensure proper fresh air circulation.

JOB DESCRIPTION. An updated job description was approved for a board office position.

FIELD TRIPS. A field trip is planned to Rome, Italy in the spring of 2023 pending Covid restrictions.

JANUARY 11, 2022. Organizational meeting for installation of 2 new board members.

DONATIONS. $4,800 in donations was received.


Which members of the board/council were present: Dr Dorsey, Mr. Ferrara, Mrs Kulis, Mrs Ferguson & Mr Boykin

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Mary Myers

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