2/8/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

2/8/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 2/8/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Public Comment
Major Larry Limbert from the Portage County Sheriff’s Office presented an overview of the office’s jurisdiction and the services provided. He also presented a report listing the breakdown of types and numbers of calls to the township in 2021, totally more than 2000.

Kent Fire Chief Bill Myers provided an update on projects in progress, including upcoming completion of the Station 2 renovation and interviews soon to begin for a full-time paramedicine professional as part of a program designed to reduce call volume and improve services to the community.

A township resident voiced appreciation for the great job the road crew did during recent snowstorms.

Zoning Report
Submitted and attached to the official record.

Old Business
A motion was made and approved by all trustees to accept the memo of understanding between the township and the Portage County Board of Developmental Disabilities regarding the use of Brady Lake Park for a Special Olympics program.

The township will investigate use of the MARCS communication system for the road crew; Chief Myers’ office will assist with this process.

An agreement between the township and the Portage County Solid Waste Management District to assure curbside recycling will continue, but also to hold separate the leaf pickup rebate portion of the contract was moved and approved by all trustees.

New Business
Snow emergency parking bans were discussed; there are areas of the township that regularly present problems for snowplow progress. A notice will be posted on the website encouraging residents to refrain from parking in the street when a snowfall exceeding two inches is predicted; also, signs will be erected reflecting a similar message.

The Portage County Engineer’s office has certified that Franklin Township roads total 31.907 miles.

Payment of bills totaling $476, 015.06 was approved by all trustees.

A motion to enter an executive session to discuss employee compensation was approved by all trustees.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta


Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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