4/12/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

4/12/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 4/12/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

The meeting opened with PUBLIC COMMENT

  • Larry Jenkins and Mike Collins, representatives of the Portage County Engineer’s Office. Mr. Jenkins provided updates on pending projects taking place in Franklin Township.
  • The Johnson Road culvert project has been on the office’s radar for five years. OPWC funding was secured last year and is scheduled to begin in late May/early June. They estimate it will be complete by July.
  • Upcoming Hudson Road Phase lV which is an OPWC 50/50 grant sharing funded project. EDG is the firm working to finalize the design of the project and will be sent to final approval of the trustees. OPWC projects cannot be awarded prior to July 1st each year so a bid book will be scheduled for opening at a board meeting following that date. Bike lanes will be on the sides of this phase. OPWC round 37 is in progress now.
  • Walt Schleper – 4829 Newcomer Road – was in attendance and had specific questions for the engineer’s office regarding water concerns he has over the Germaine Reserve housing development going in adjacent to his property. Mr. Jenkins listened to his concerns, expressed his support, and reiterated to Mr. Schleper that he is speaking to the right person in Eric Long at Portage County Soil and Water. Mr. Jenkins assured Mr. Schleper that he would follow up with Mr. Long and keep him abreast of Mr. Schleper’s ongoing concerns.
  • Janelle Ryan – 6381 Lakeview Dr. – shared concerns over parking along the lake near her home. There are No Parking signs erected around the lake that are ignored by people fishing and swimming. The road is not wide enough for cars to adequately pull off safely so that people entering and exiting vehicles are not in danger of being hit by motorists. She asked the board to consider erecting signs directing people using the lake on where to park. Scott Swan assured her that the board shares her concerns and would take a look at the area to see if an alternative for safe parking can be found.
  • Judy Spencer – 7727 Diagonal Road – questioned whether or not Medical Marijuana dispensary placement would be discussed. Mr. Swan explained that the topic was discussed at the hearing preceding this meeting and that the trustees did not approve the zoning resolution amendment presented to the board at the hearing.


  • It was noted that Zoning Inspector Joe Ciccozzi did issue a citation at the Jones Hookah Palace regarding trash collection outside of an enclosed area and notified the sheriff’s office twice regarding cars parked and blocking the fire lane. Mr. Smith will inform the owner that all fire lane signs need to be erected, not just one.
  • City of Kent Fire Chief Bill Myers added that the department firefighters and paramedics are undergoing dive and water rescue training and that the newly hired Paramedicine person is scheduled to begin May 1st. She is a registered nurse as well as a paramedic.


  • Mr. Ciccozzi will be investigating a complaint about tires and other debris being disposed of on the township side of Burnette Road. Adam Boron of the road department verified that they have seen a buildup of trash being dumped there.


  • A sinkhole located at Walton and Clyde streets in Brady Lake will be repaired after two quotes were received. A motion was made by Glenn Russell to have H. Luli make the repairs with a bid of $4,880.00; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.
  • Interviews for the vacant positions in the road department are complete. The trustees have unanimously decided that they have candidates that are good fits for each position. A motion to offer the road crew full-time position to Tom Workman and the road superintendent position to Ken Stassinas was made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Glenn Russell. All three trustees voted yes.
  • Social media remains a topic being considered moving forward for the township. Lisé Russell informed the board that should they decide to establish a social media presence she would administer the page.
  • Spring Cleanup is set for the last weekend in April – Friday and Saturday the 29th and 30th from 8-5.
  • Trustees will meet to determine schedules for beginning collective bargaining negotiations with the Teamsters.
  • Resolution 2022-18 – authorizing all steps necessary to apply for an Ohio Department of Natural Resources Grant that will provide funding support for the Chase Park boardwalk/walkway in need of replacement was approved by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.
  • Regarding the parcel of land adjacent to the maintenance garage, Adam Boron informed the trustees that should they decide to turn the parcel over to the Portage Parks District fencing would need to be installed to provide a barrier and bar access from the public to the garage.







  • Council of Government – Mr. Swan explained that he believes it would benefit the township to participate in a Council of Government that includes other communities as a way of offering support in the form of idea and services sharing, JEDDs, equipment sharing, etc. The topic will remain open to discussion.
  • Resolution 2022-16 – a resolution of the need for the renewal of a .5 mil road and bridge levy to be placed on the November ballot was approved by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Glenn Russell. All three trustees voted yes.
  • State Route 59 Alternative Transportation Project is being proposed by the City of Kent – a project in the development stage over the past few years and is a collaborative effort between the City of Kent and PARTA. The project area is 2/3 in the city and 1/3 in the township along the JEDD district. The infrastructure located within the township is ODOT infrastructure and grant funding is being sought for the project. The project coordinators are looking for a financial commitment of some kind from the township to assist in a planning consultant fee. The trustees need more information regarding the scope of the project, costs anticipated for the planning consultant, and any contribution being sought from Kent State before considering a financial commitment.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid/Jill Hazelton

League to which this content belongs: 