5/10/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

5/10/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 5/10/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


  • A resident of Lakeview Drive addressed the trustees with concerns about consistent noise, speeding, parking violations, and disturbances in his neighborhood. There is a continuous stream of modified street bikes, four-wheelers, motorbikes, and cars that are loud and racing along Lakeview and surrounding streets near the lake. These vehicles are often being driven by underage youth, have no lights, and the drivers are not in protective gear. Mr. Moore has made repeated calls to both the Portage County Sheriff’s office and the Ohio Highway Patrol to make complaints. The response he gets from both agencies is that there is nothing they can do because the township has no noise ordinance in place. In fact, the township does have a noise ordinance, which can be accessed at www/franklintownshipohio.org, following the Zoning Department link. Mr. Swan will reach out to Detective DeSerio and relay the concerns as well as to the Portage County Commissioners about ineffective responses from county law enforcement services.
  • A representative of the Twin Lakes Association notified the board of signs reported down at Glen Parkway and Birkner – the road crew has been made aware. Also, the association is preparing to harvest the lakes and are looking for suggestions on where to take the resulting debris.

Submitted by Richard Smith and is attached to the official record. Additionally, he reported that a fire had been reported in the township that afternoon. Chief Myers from the City of Kent was in attendance and reported that there was indeed an outside fire on Cackler Road that came close to the home on the property and singed it but the home was not engaged in the flames.

Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record. Additionally, he let the board know that Larry Hannum, long-time owner of Larry’s Riding Stables on Johnson Road passed away last week. Mr. Swan let Mr. Ciccozzi know that trash is still piling up in bags at the Jones Hookah Palace.


  • Large potholes located on the Sheetz access road have been repaired by Sheetz corporate.
  • Resolution 2022-20 – approving the agreement entered into with PARTA and the City of Kent on the St. Rt. 59 connecting Communities project was approved by a motion made by Scott swan; 2nd Glenn Russell. All three trustees voted yes.
  • Resolution 2022-21 approving the agreement with Portage County Commissioners regarding leaf recycling assessment collection was approved by a motion made by Scott Swan; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes.
  • The sinkhole repair at Walton and Clyde will begin this week by Luli, LLC.
  • Spring Cleanup last weekend held at the maintenance garage was successful. After discussion, it was decided that this will be an annual event held on the last weekend of April. Signs will be ordered and posted in a few places around the township each year letting residents know when it will occur.
  • Mr. Russell reported that he has had discussions with Kent Service Director Melanie Baker about two-way communications access for the road department crew. The topic remains open and a decision will be made when all information is gathered.

Temporary repairs were made by the township road crew on Clio Street so that residents can access their homes. Representatives from the county engineer’s office came out to inspect and they made some recommendations about a more permanent solution. A quote is being put together by Meredith Brothers.

An email was received from resident James McColloch sharing concerns about speeding in the Twin Lakes area and would like to see more law enforcement presence in that area.

The 2023 tax budget is in progress and will be ready to vote on in June. Payment of bills, warrants #25781 through 25790, including payment vouchers, and totaling $93,920.62 since the last meeting was approved by a motion made by Scott Swan; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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