6/28/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

6/28/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 6/28/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


Detective Nick DeSerio from the Portage County Sheriff’s Office described the statistics for calls for service for May. A total of 258 calls were recorded, including but not limited to calls for 911 welfare checks, accidents with injury, assaults, animal complaints, assists to other agencies and for rescue squad, suspicious persons and vehicles, disorderly conduct, suicide threats, premises checks (21) and traffic stops (82). Mr. Swan expressed continued gratitude to Detective DeSerio and the sheriff’s department for their continued presence throughout the township and at our meetings as well.

A Twin Lakes resident presented photos of a property located at 1495 North Blvd. that shows very high grass. He also shared concerns about some of the renovations taking place on the structure there. Mr. Joe Ciccozzi will follow up on the grass violation. The county building department or possibly the health department would have jurisdiction over shoddy construction work being done.

A resident of the Brady Lake area requested an additional trash can be placed at the lake area near the existing one as one can doesn’t seem to be sufficient. Another bin will be provided. The resident also asked for a status update on lake parking concerns that have been shared by several residents. Ms. Kapusta and Mr. Swan stated they have personally made it a point to seek alternative places, as has Mr. Russell, unsuccessfully. Some possibilities were brought up such as bike lanes, blocking the grassy area being parked on with stones or pylons, speed tables/bumps, etc. This topic will be added to the new road superintendent’s list of things to look at.

Mr. Swan addressed several topics related to the road department that have been under consideration. First, a motion was made by Mr. Swan to sell both the Chevy pickup truck and the yellow ranger pickup (both of which are in failing condition and have higher mileage) and replace them, with ¾ ton or one-ton trucks, one being fitted with a plow that can be utilized in smaller areas, and both providing support transportation for escorting, flagging, utility work and supervisor transportation; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. Both trustees voted yes. Next, a motion was made by Mr. Swan to approve the list submitted for roads to be paved, repaired or resurfaced as is; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. Both trustees voted yes. The roads included in the bid packaging include roads in Brady Lake, Twin Lakes, Franklin Mills, and Kent Park. Glenn Russell and a road crew employee will meet with Mike Collins at the county engineer’s office on June 30th to iron out details. Also, a motion was made by Scott Swan to authorize the purchase of a 16’ landscape trailer that will adequately haul mowers and other needed equipment at an estimated cost of $1,600-$2,000; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. Both trustees voted yes. Finally, Mr. Swan made a motion to move forward with establish the use of radio communications for the road crew with Mitchell Communications; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. Both trustees voted yes. Also, Mr. Russell notified everyone that updated first aid kits and mobile first aid cabinets have been ordered for the road department.

Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record. Additionally, Mr. Ciccozzi asked trustees for input into a vegetation/high grass situation at 1379 Mockingbird Drive. The elderly couple who resides there is unable to adequately mow a steep slope and it has become overgrown. Ms. Kapusta will follow up with the owners. There was also discussion about a parcel located on Burnett Drive being used as a dumpsite for landscaping debris, furniture, etc. The owners maintain the responsibility of keeping people from dumping waste there. A request by the owner for trustees to block that road cannot be considered as one-half of the road is owned by the city of Kent and the other half is owned by the township.

Given by Richard Smith. There is a significant renovation being done at the Sheetz on East Main Street and it is temporarily closed. There was also discussion about the change in Ohio Fire Code allowing residents, within restrictions listed, to set off 1.4G fireworks on their on private property or on another’s private property with permission from the owner. The change clearly states that cities, townships, villages, and other entities may opt-out of allowing the use of fireworks by citizens. A motion was made by Scott Swan to prohibit the setting off of fireworks within the township limits despite the change in Ohio’s fire code; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. Both trustees voted yes. A notice will be placed on the township website stating that the trustees have continued the prohibition of fireworks usage in Franklin Township. A resolution is forthcoming.

Payment of bills totaling $30,084.77 since the last meeting was approved by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott Swan. Both trustees voted yes.

When asked for anything else for the good of the order be adjourning, Keith Benjamin expressed gratitude to the City of Kent Fire and Portage County Sheriff’s Office for their continued support of township residents and their participation and attendance at our meetings; Hal Lehman expressed his gratitude to the road crew for their commendable job chipping; and Joe Ciccozzi expressed thanks to the road crew for such a nice job mowing and trimming along Spell Road

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Kellie Kapusta present. Absent was Glenn Russell, excused

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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