Newsletters 2019-2020

Newsletters 2019-2020

Links to fiscal year 2019-2020 issues of the Santa Cruz VOTER are listed below. 

Santa Cruz VOTER - April 2020 In this issue: Coronavirus updates, learn about woman suffrage, property tax reform on track for November 2020 ballot.

Santa Cruz VOTER - February 2020 Join us on February 22 as we mark the 100th anniversary of the League's founding. Also: candidate forum on 2/6 and more election news.

Santa Cruz VOTER - December 2019 In this issue: Close call for women suffrage, plan for the March 3 primary, update on county schools.

Santa Cruz VOTER - October 2019 In this issue: Attend November 2 talk on education with Faris Sabbah, county superintendent of schools; read about Judge Rebecca Connolly and the county judicial system.

Santa Cruz VOTER - September 2019 In this issue: Meet Judge Connolly in September, help register voters, and get updated about Cabrillo College.

Santa Cruz VOTER - August 2019 Put September 21 on your calendar to meet Judge Rebecca Connolly; read about the LWVC Convention and learn about recycling realities.