7/26/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

7/26/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 7/26/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


A Brady Lake area resident asked for an update on the scheduled bridge repair at Towners Woods. Mr. Swan responded that there has been no word from the county engineer’s office but he would be sure to follow up and share any new information. The resident also shared that a catch basin on Leonard has collapsed and he called the maintenance garage to report it. Road superintendent Dave Akerley reported that the steel culvert pipe has collapsed. His recommendation is two new catch basins. He recognizes that this is causing damage to the road and impacting residents.


A Judson Road resident shared concerns that for too long the road has been neglected. It is a cut-through for Route 8 and traffic is heavy. Stow and Kent use it heavily for bussing and the road is in need of repair. Both Mr. Swan and Mr. Akerley assured him that they are aware that Judson is in need of attention and will follow up and give it any attention it needs until it can be paved.


A South Blvd. resident expressed gratitude to the road crew for their continued good work in the township and to Joe Ciccozzi for resolving a high grass issue that has been a source of complaint in the area.


Submitted as written by Dave Akerley and attached to the official record. Additionally, there was a discussion about chipping in the township. The chipper is down again and the repairs could cost in excess of $3,000. In the meantime, a rental was secured and this round was completed. Chipping is taking an increasingly longer time to complete each month as residents place more and more brush out and members of the road crew are off for vacations during the summer months. Mr. Akerley requested a suspension of chipping for next month, except for any emergencies that arise, in order to utilize the crew’s time to prepare for ditching and paving of roads, especially in the Brady Lake area where road maintenance has not taken place in a long time. A township resident requested that the chipping schedule remain as it is and Mr. Swan stated that he did not feel a change could be made at this time and that any change implemented should be communicated well in advance. A motion to replace the chipper with a new one at an approximate cost of $50,000 in the event it is necessary was made by Scott Swan; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. Both trustees voted yes.


Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record.


Richard Smith reported that over the Fourth of July there were no major incidences of fireworks calls for service in the area. Inspections of township businesses are moving forward well. There are no reports of activity at the Jones Hookah Palace. The Burnt Pickle has an advertisement posted for a concert in September. Joe Ciccozzi will be asked to follow up.


The leaf recycling issue with Portage County is closed.


Identification of roads located within Franklin Township that are not our responsibility is in need of clarification. It is important for township officials and dispatch for first responders to be aware of who to contact in case of an emergency or during storms when roads need to be closed or trees removed. Dave Akerley provided a list of roads that are maintained by either the county, ODOT, or are privately owned. Chief Myers will share the list with dispatchers. Just two weeks ago a large tree was down and a resident called 911 to report a tree down. Dispatch called the fire department instead of contacting our road superintendent. The township was charged the contracted call rate of $1500+ and then the township crew had to be called in to take care of the tree anyway. Mr. Swan believes that dispatchers having this information will facilitate timely responses from the correct entity and make roads safer in a quicker amount of time, regardless of charges for calls made for safety purposes.


Revocation of the parking ban in Lake Royale: the trustees voted the parking ban into effect in September 2020. No signs were ever erected because residents were attempting to resolve the matter on their own and given a period of time to do so. Communication has been received from Lake Royale residents that a consensus has been reached and are now asking the board to rescind that parking ban. A motion to rescind that order was made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott Swan. Both trustees voted yes.


Mrs. Kapusta received communication from a resident about water problems near Erie and Garfield. The water is coming from Washington during heavy rains. Mr. Grice would like a possible solution to this storm runoff issue. Mr. Akerley will speak to the road crew about interventions in the past and then follow up.


Payment of bills totaling $34,915.32 was approved by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott swan. Both trustees voted yes.


Keith Benjamin inquired about the radio communication decision and Mr. Akerley responded that Mitchell Communications will be utilized and walkie-talkies and radios will be purchased.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Kellie, Kapusta. Glenn Russell was excused


Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

League to which this content belongs: 