8/9/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

8/9/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 8/9/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


PCSO – Det. Nick DeSerio – provided a list of calls for service answered in Franklin Township for the month of July totaling 234 in all. He also noted that a solar-powered speed sign on loan from the State of Ohio has been temporarily placed on Overlook to discourage speeding motorists. Discussion ensued regarding these types of signs – some can collect speed data that can be used to determine designated areas and times of day of speeding. Ms. August will research more about these signs. One resident asked if township residents ever have input on the placement location for these speed signs and the response was yes.

A South Blvd. resident inquired about the length of time necessary to determine if a residence is abandoned after it has become vacant, specifically regarding a structure at 2743 West Blvd. Renters moved out more than four months ago and it is still vacant – but vehicles remain parked there in the township right of way. Joe Ciccozzi will follow up. Another Twin Lakes resident spoke up about a property on ST RT 43 that has also been vacant for years.

Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record.

Submitted as written by Dave Akerley and is attached to the official record. The report consisted of updates on crack sealing and paving taking place across the township and the broken-down chipper. The repair is taking an extended amount of time so a larger rental has been secured to keep chipping services up for now at a cost of $4,150 per month.

Submitted as written by Richard Smith and is attached to the official record. Additionally, it was noted that street signs have not yet been erected in the Germaine Reserve development. Mr. Ciccozzi will contact Mike Wohlwend with the developer for a status update on that.

The parcel of property adjacent to the maintenance garage that has been being used by the Portage Parks District has been discussed previously. The district asked that the parcel be donated to them but the trustees unanimously agree that the township retains ownership of it. Mr. Swan will reach out to Christine Craycroft of the parks district to inquire about their intended use of the parcel to determine if the board will allow them to continue to use it until such time as the township decides to put it to use.

Brady Lake spillway – the hill leading into the spillway appears to be fracturing and erosion is becoming an issue. Mr. Akerley has spoken to the county engineer’s office and was referred to the Army Corps of Engineers. Mr. Akerley is continuing his research into exactly how the area was backfilled and will continue monitoring the situation.

Mitchell Communications radios for the township vehicles will be purchased. Mr. Akerley will begin the process.

In light of constantly changing guidelines for COVID protocols from the CDC, Franklin Township will regularly update our protocols, which will follow the CDC recommended guidelines, and have them posted both at town hall and at the garage so that all employees will be aware of what they should look for and how to proceed if they have contracted COVID or been exposed.

Mr. Swan reported that Kent Schools Superintendent George Joseph invited locally elected officials to tour the new facilities being built at the high school and he attended. The facilities look great.

Mrs. Kapusta reported that she has been contacted again by a resident of the Summit Rd/Powdermill roundabout area regarding repeated accidents in his front yard. She has been in contact with Mike Collins at the engineer’s office about this and notified Mr. Akerley that there are lights out there that need to be replaced.

A Brady Lake resident sent an email with continued concerns about parking along Lakeview that impedes traffic flow and is a hazard for drivers in that area. Mr. Russell will meet at that area with Dave Akerley and Joe Ciccozzi to determine actual township property lines and seek solutions (they will also go to Chase Park to determine property lines there between the park and neighboring residents with concerns about tree overgrowth).

The county engineer’s office has responded to Mr. Swan’s inquiry about the bridge closure on Ravenna Road near Towner’s Woods. Mike Collins informed the township that construction will not begin until 2024 and the project will not likely be completed until 2026.

Payment of bills totaling $170,421.17 was moved and then approved by all three trustees.

When asked if anyone had anything for the good of the order, resident Keith Benjamin stated that he feels that the township is in capable hands with the representatives currently in place and he is proud to be a member of this community. He also expressed kudos to the new road superintendent Dave Akerley for a job well done thus far.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta 

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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