9/13/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

9/13/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 9/13/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


PCSO Detective Nick DeSerio provided statistics for the month of August for calls for service answered in Franklin Township. A total of 269 calls were answered for situations including but not limited to accidents, alarm calls, assists to other agencies, suspicious persons and vehicles, thefts, traffic complaints, and welfare checks. Additionally, Detective DeSerio explained that the mobile speed trailer previously placed in the township was moved to other Portage County locations but that he would keep targeted areas of Franklin Township, such as Lakeview Drive, in mind for later in the season. Mr. Swan expressed gratitude to the detective and the sheriff’s office for their continued support and presence in our township.

Matt Kelly introduced himself as a candidate for Portage County Auditor on the ballot for this coming election and expressed his desire to maintain transparency and an open-door policy for the office of the auditor should he be elected.

A Lakeview Drive resident expressed an interest in repurposing the old signposts that held the” Welcome To Brady Lake” signs once located at Eri/ST RT 59 and on Merrill Road. The signs have been previously removed but the posts remain standing and not used. He offered to purchase them if they couldn’t be donated to him to use on his property where he is building a home strictly for their sentimental value. The trustees collectively thanked him for his interest but believe allowing township-owned property to be utilized by residents opens the door for giving away or sell state-owned property. Mr. Swan asked Dave Akerley, road superintendent, to take a look at the posts and remove them if needed.

A Twin Lakes resident shared continued concerns regarding two locations on South Blvd – 1498 and 1480 – where drainage grates need attention. Mr. Akerley will take a look at them. The resident also expressed concerns about a junk car on the Zamos property on ST RT 43 (Mr. Ciccozzi is aware and addressing it) and high grass at a property on West Blvd (Mr. Ciccozzi has already issued a citation there).

Submitted as written by Richard Smith and is attached to the official record. Additionally, there is ongoing communication with the owner of the Burnt Pickle relating to what the occupancy is for that establishment. Our records indicate an occupancy of 49 persons and the owner claims to have a permit stating the occupancy is considerably higher. He is attempting to locate whatever documentation he has stating such. The county building department’s records match ours.

Submitted as written by Joe Ciccozzi and is attached to the official record.

Submitted as written by Dave Akerley and attached to the official record. Additionally, the paving of Lincoln Street, to be done by Todd Lamb paving, was approved at a cost of $24,740 by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Glenn Russell. All three trustees voted yes. Also, Mr. Akerley has been in contact with Mike Collins from the county engineer’s office regarding speeding and parking issues along Lakeview. Mr. Collins intends to attend a meeting to discuss options.

1. Workshop dates need set to discuss the completion of the township employee handbook. Trustees will set three dates by the end of this week.
2. The new truck has arrived. The road crew is using it and is happy thus far.
3. After discussion, leaf pickup signs were agreed upon. Metal signs reading referring residents to a url titled LEAFPICKUP.ORG will be placed throughout the township and sandwich signs alerting residents that their zone will be picked up next. Signs were approved by a motion made by Glenn Russell; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.
4. Chipping services will remain as posted through this year in November. Changes will be determined for next year.

Resolution 2022-32 – declaring 2196 Erie Street a nuisance and providing for an abatement passed by a motion made by Glenn Russell; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes.

Resolution 2022-33 – declaring 6554 Crescent Lane a nuisance and providing for abatement was passed by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.

Following a discussion about a snow parking ban, it was decided that all previous information received from the prosecutor’s office on requirements will be pulled in preparation. Also, a letter will be drafted and sent to all businesses reminding them the ORC provides that commercial businesses will maintain safe passable sidewalks for pedestrians. The letter will be sent to all township businesses along the JEDD asking for a reply with what their plan will be for snow and ice removal on sidewalks.

Winter holiday hours were decided on by a motion made by Glenn Russell; 2nd Kellie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes. The 11/22/22 and 12/27/22 meetings will be canceled and the office will be closed for business from 12/26-22 through 12/30/22.

Mr. Russell asked Mr. Akerley if he had followed up with a resident regarding trees from Chase Park overhanging dangerously close to her property. Mr. Akerley has a tree service professional coming this week to provide advice and an estimate.


Resolution 2022-31 – a resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the county budget commission and the necessary tax levies, thus certifying them to the county auditor was approved by a motion made by Scott Swan; 2nd Kelllie Kapusta. All three trustees voted yes.

Resolution 2022-30 – a resolution accepting and approving the Portage County Budget Commission’s Alternative Method of apportioning and distributing local government funding was approved by a motion made by Glenn Russell; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.

Payment of bills totaling $186,422.65 was approved by a motion made by Kellie Kapusta; 2nd Scott Swan. All three trustees voted yes.

Which members of the board/council were present: Scott Swan, Kellie Kapusta, Glenn Russell

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

League to which this content belongs: 