Minutes September 2022

Minutes September 2022



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

September 13, 2022  

5:30 pm 


Members Present:  Satsie Veith, Sandra Flake, Toni Reid, Claire Greene, Janet Rechtman, Marcia Moore


  1.  Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m.

  1.  Approve Meeting Minutes

The Minutes for the August Board meeting were approved.  Marcia Moore agreed to be designated note taker for the meeting.

  1.  501c3 Update.

Discussion was held re a date for the membership meeting to vote on change to Articles of Incorporation to correct error made years ago.  It was agreed to hold it on November 10 at 7 p.m.  It will likely be a short meeting as members will have heard a presentation at the Fall Coffee from Sandra and it has been covered in the newsletter.  We need 15% of the membership as a quorum which would currently be 25.  We will encourage participation in this meeting at the Fall Coffee and Satsie will also send out an email encouraging attendance.


Claire reported that all the invitations have gone out and so far she has heard back from every location except Gridley, Biggs city council or 1st Congressional District.  She has had positive responses from Paradise Town Council, Chico City Council, CUSD and state assembly candidates.  However, she apparently hasn’t had confirmation from all candidates and is considering extending the deadline until after an editorial in the ER.

At this time, live streaming the in-person forums was not felt within our abilities. 


  1.  Ballot measure presentation update.    Carol Burr is working on Local Measure A and Toni Reid is working on sales tax.  Together they are working on the nuisance abatement ballot measure.  There will be a presentation on the local measures for AAUW in October and a second one for members which will also be posted on the website.


  1. Voter Registration Outreach and Misc. Election Activities.

Satsie reported on outreach for the unhoused.  The Torres Shelter will allow volunteers in for a voter registration event in October and one or two field outreach events are planned for early October at campsites.  

The Adopt a Center proposition from the County for four days in Durham will go ahead as we have lots of volunteers.  That will bring in $3000.

High school civics education outreach is going forward.  Satsie will deliver materials provided by the Elections Office to staff at Biggs, Gridley and Las Plumas high schools.  Dates still to be set for the first two. 

The League has been invited to table at Chico State on October 18 at a Grassroots Organizing event with a mix of students and professors.  This is coordinated in part by Anne Schulte.  It was felt by the board that this is a good way to encourage student membership and we might use part of the above-mentioned $3000 to subsidize student memberships.

  1.  Committee and Other Updates.

Natural Resources Committee:

Toni gave an update on the water conservation Zoom presentation.  She has two speakers and is still trying to get more but feels that the two she has will provide plenty of information.  Joel Kimmelshue will give an Ag-related presentation and someone from Cal Water will discuss urban water conservation.


Marcia and Sandra reported that membership is now up to 160.  We will have membership information at the Fall Coffee and discussed mechanics of that.

Social Policy:

Janet Rechtman reported that the October 5 webinar on homelessness has an excellent panel including Ed Meyer, a representative (Amber) from CHAT and a developer.  She’ll have publicity out by this weekend.

  1.  Fall Coffee Loose Ends.

Sandra will make sure our insurance verification went through to First Baptist.  Satsie outlined her ideas for the program.  Marcia will encourage a “mixer” where new and old members are encouraged to meet and learn about the League.  Janet will follow with information about leadership opportunities with the board and committees.  Other announcements will be made about the Homelessness webinar, the 501c3 meeting and probably the forums.  Toni cautioned that in “drafting” new members we need to avoid burnout which may occur if we overload them with duties.  Sandra mentioned that the “at large” positions may be optimal for that reason.

  1.  Other Business.

Satsie announced that the next newsletter isn’t scheduled.  It would normally come out at the end of October.  It was mentioned that having it come out after the 501c3 meeting still in early to mid-November might be a good idea.

Sandra Flake reported that a check which the League had written to the DBCC for the Thursday Farmers’ Market had never been cashed.  She thinks this might be because we never used the space.  She will revise the budget to show this.  If at some point, they do cash it, she will reconcile at that time. 

            Meeting Adjourned at approximately 6:25 p.m.