12/7/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

12/7/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 12/7/2022

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council Committee Meetings
(Amrhein conducted the meeting)

Committee of the Whole:
City Flag Committee: By far the longest part of the meeting on Dec. 7, 2022 dealt with the proposed new city flag. Almost an hour was spent on this topic. 68 designs were submitted from 33 different individuals. A spreadsheet was developed chronicling the colors and symbols. Among the most popular were some elements dealing with trees, the Cuyahoga River, the railroad, and the underground railroad. The committee provided the three "finalists." These three were not necessarily submitted as presented to the Council. The Committee revised them and were presenting the three "strongest" concepts. Two of the three had been submitted by committee members.

  • Option A: Clean, modern, forward-looking, intersection of cultures with history, 8-pointed star. Colors: Green, Blue, and White (these were the three colors that marked all three entries.
  • Option B: Graphic elements united to form a K -- flag blue, green, and white.
  • Option C: Blue, Green, and White. Four phases of Kent history.

The presentation indicated that all three were quite modern in design, e.g. looking forward but built on history. Committee members said that all meetings were open to the public but no community members attended.
Next step: Roll Out plan, need a budget ($1000) to make samples of each of the flags and allow community members to go to Kent Free Library to see/feel the proposed flags (It's unclear if the Library had formally approved this.) This was designed to solicit public feedback, survey administration, and community. Media release.

There were lots of questions from the council. Concern over the fact that 2 were based on designs from committee members. Rosenberg suggested adding two to the mix e.g. based on community submission. Committee members were "hesitant" to be adding designs at this point since this would just delay the process more.

Ferraro wanted to know why there wasn't a design that was more traditional/classic. Again committee members said the more modern look had a more forward-looking perspective.
Shaffer Bish liked the designs but wanted more details on what was going to be next.
Committee members said they needed approximately $1000 to make a three-by-five-foot flag (with pole and base), so the community could see the proposed designs on the flag itself.
Committee members wanted a decision (not on the final design) but on whether the committee might go forward with making the prototypes that may be shown at the library to solicit additional public input. The committee is meeting on Dec. 11 so the members were pushing for some feedback from the council. No vote was taken, but Ruller said the council would provide the $1000 to get the prototype of the three designs.

Look for an exhibit at the Kent Free Library of the three proposed city flag designs sometime next year.

City Hall Update: Most of the materials have been ordered and Melanie Baker expected on-time delivery. Steel erection will begin next week, an extension of the gas main will be next week.

Parks and Recreation Open House Update: Set for Dec. 8 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Roy Smith Shelter House at Fred Fuller Park. New Hire Oliver Wuensche promised not to keep the people attending long (maybe just 5 or 10 minutes). Just a couple of exercises to get people's feedback. But Parks and Recreation also will be using a survey online to help the group put together its 5-year master plan (last done in 1995).

Gwen Rosenberg broke the story of a Bike Organization: The Greater Ohio Bicycle Association (GOBA) is planning a week-long adventure through Northeast Ohio and Kent will be one of the stops. It's set for Wednesday and Thursday in the 3rd week of June in 2023. 800 to 1000 bikes are expected. 60 percent camp, rest stay at hotels. Walk through downtown, coincides with hometown bank music series. Local food trucks will be serving the cyclists. Shuttles to local attractions.

Land Use Committee
Zoning Code Text Amendments: Chapter 1103 and Chapter 1105. This deals with Micro Brewer's inability to serve food. This is for facilities that produce alcohol. No more than 30 percent of the facility can be dedicated to food prep or service, and will be under the Health Department's oversight like restaurants. Zoning takes effect in two weeks. Unanimously approved.

Finance Committee:
City/Portage County Public Defender Contract Renewal for 2023. Unanimously approved.
2023 City Operating Budget.

  • Although income taxes have steadily increased (above pre-Covid numbers; that growth has been outside of Kent State), inflation has outpaced growth. Everything is costing more, and wages are expected to rise. At the last Council Meeting, there was a discussion about utility rate increases of 9 percent (e.g. because of inflation).
  • Move the budget as presented 8 to 1 (Rosenberg oppose).
  • 2022 Budge Appropriations Amendments, Transfers and Advances. Normal housekeeping. Unanimously approved.
  • Then and Now Purchase Orders --done throughout the year. Motion unanimously approved.

Executive Session -- Position Allocation and General Comp. Plan.


Which members of the board/council were present: Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;  John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Observer: Kathleen Endres

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