1/4/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

1/4/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 1/4/2023

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council Committee meetings:

Committee of the Whole:

Office 365 Migration
The city council is migrating to Office 365 from Google. (new address: firstname.lastname [at] Kent.gov). According to Nick Cecil, who presented this information, this is required because Office 365 provides greater security. Google license expires in March. Cybersecurity insurance requires multi-level security. (Multi-factor function needs the involvement of IT.) For the past five years, financial audits flagged the continued use of Google and the security issue it raised. Public issues-- Microsoft has retention and compliance systems turned on. Lots and lots of questions from council members. Money set aside for all council members to get a new laptop -- can wait until move to the new building or get it now.

Pending List items:
1. Climate action plan -- keep on list
2. Senior center -- tied to Park Dept. master plan -- keep on list
3. Conflict of interest, referred to committee, deals with an issue relating to Peter Paino, local architect. Move to remove. unanimously approved.
4. Idling -- keep on list
5. Design guidelines. Final report expected from consultants in spring 2023. Sidoti noted that the council will probably have more discussions once the report is submitted. So it stays on the list.
6. Guitar case -- noise issue, minor changes to regulations, remove from list (unanimous approval)
7. Sidewalk shoveling to improve pedestrian safety. Study project, keep on list
8. Health and Public Safety. Low-frequency noise. Keep on the list. Unanimously approved
9. Racism and diversity in Kent. Community Engagement Position, keep it on list (unanimously approved.)
10 Flag Committee -- new flag for the city of Kent, Keep it on list
11. Health and Public Safety -- animal control have adequate equipment. Move to remove (unanimously approved).
12 Changes in fireworks law. Heidi Shaffer Bish wants to retain it. Motion was approved unanimously.
13. Accommodations for Kent Land Fill -- Remove it from list, unanimously approved.

New City Hall Update: Steel arrives the week of the 16th, all are invited to sign it, e.g. historic event with photos. Working on the gas main move. Architect working on RFP for furniture and building to be wireless.

Health and Public Safety Committee:

  • Fire Dept. update. About 500 more responses than last year. Investigation on going on mill fire. Service Dept. did a "great job"
  • Paramedicine program. Thanks to Joan Seidel, health director of Kent, who shares a grant with the fire dept. Sarah Celina who holds that 16-hour per week position reports: Since May 2, 78 in-home visits; setting up residents with providers and specialists, telehealth, community with Unity and Access Point; every Thursday at Kent Social Services. fall risk assessment, Hospice recommendation to 5 residents. Lots of praise for the program from council members.
  • Health Dept. Request to Oppose HB513. Seidel said the amendment would be "devastating" for Kent policies. Passed both houses and is now on the governor's desk. Seidel drafted a letter. Shaffer Bish supports and passes a motion that lets the letter be sent to the governor, on behalf of the Kent City Council. Unanimously approved.
  • Police Dept update on Animal Control Services. 90 percent of calls are handled easily but potentially aggressive dogs are a problem. exploring "net gun"
  • Feral Cats -- no mechanism to deal with it and nowhere to take trapped cats. APL won't take feral cats.

The finance committee discussion was not taped.

Executive session to confer with an attorney for the public body subject to pending or imminent court action.

Which members of the board/council were present: Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;  John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5;  Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Gwen Rosenberg, At Large; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3. Absent was Garret Ferrara, Ward 1.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 