Minutes January 2023

Minutes January 2023



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2022  

5:30 pm 


Members Present: Satsie Veith, Sandra Flake, Toni Reid, Janet Rechtman, Caroline Langen, Marcia Moore, Claire Greene

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m.

2. Approve Minutes: The minutes for the December meeting were approved as submitted and read. Marcia Moore agreed to be the note take for the current meeting.

3. Treasurer's Report: Sandra Flake reviewed the report she had sent to members previously. There is one minor revision which she will make which does not affect the bottom line. We are doing well with members' dues and will be on track as predicted in the year's budget. We received $3000 as a donation for the work the League did at the Durham VAC and we should receive $1500 as the second installment on the 2022-23 contract with Butte County Elections. Maureen Kirk is chairing the budget committee and they will be prepared for a presentation to the Board at the March meeting. She also reported that she has purchased the Professional Zoom link which gives us more flexibility and time for usage.

4. 501c3 Update: Sandra Flake reported that there was a minor need to revise but the amendment to the Articles of incorporation was accepted and approved. She and Tom Carson are in the process of reviewing any necessary changes to the bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. She recommends that we plan the vote on the change (to 501c3) at the annual meeting. Discussion was held and that plan was affirmed.

5. Board Member Reports: Janet Rechtman reported that the Social Policy's winter program will be a "hands-on" work project jointly with community organizations working with the unhoused. She has sent out one email describing the program and plans to send out more. She also plans to approach OLLI regarding possible partnership with them. Marcia Moore reported that all but one or two of the 46 remaining members who had not paid their dues by December 31 have been contacted and are planning to renew. It appears that one or two may have changed from "household" to "single" membership and one or two have moved away.

6. Feb. 11 planning meeting: The Board voted to give a $100 donation to First Baptist Church for our use of their facilities. Discussion was held on the nature and purpose of the meeting and a few details were fleshed out. Sandra Flake indicated that there is money available for the items such as butcher paper, writing and drawing tools, and flip charts that may be needed for the program. Board members will be encouraged to take notes and bring results back to the Board for further planning of next year's program.

7. Annual Meeting Planning: Discussion was held, and it seems that the most appropriate week for the meeting is May 22-26. Satsie will inquire as to availability of First Baptist Church for an evening during the week and report back to us by email. Major items of business for the meeting will be election of board members/officers and the 501c3 vote – all of which should be ready by the end of May.

8. Newsletter: Satsie would like to put out a newsletter in early February with a deadline for submissions of Feb. 1. The newsletter can encourage members to attend the Feb. 11 meeting.

9. Other Business: Sandra Flake says that the QuickBook software we are using needs to be re-licensed. She will inquire as to price and report back at the February meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m. The next meeting will be held by Zoom at 5:30 p.m. on February 14.

Respectfully submitted, Marcia Moore