The Finance/ Budget Committee has been working diligently to keep the board informed of the financial status of LWV-PA. Continued donation support from our members, in addition to dues payments, has allow LWV-PA to stay on a stable financial footing during the past year. We have continued to focus on providing voter services and advocacy to San Gabriel Valley residents in our service-area cities while maintaining sound fiscal practices for our League.
The Committee met on April 20 to finalize the Proposed 2023–2024 Budget for our League. All data received from budget request forms were included in our budget numbers for fiscal year 2023–2024. Although the net budget for 2023–2024 shows a deficit amount, our League does have sufficient reserve funds in our money market bank account to cover the deficit. The Finance/Budget Committee has prepared a proposed budget for the next fiscal year, 2023–2024, which appears below. Please take the opportunity to review this budget before our June 10 Annual Meeting, where we will be prepared to address any questions and comments you may have.
I would like to acknowledge my committee members, Joe DesBarres, Marilynne Wilander, Katherine Gavzy, and Samantha Robles Grande. Our committee members have spent many volunteer hours completing the work on which our League relies to keep current with our organization’s financial status. Thank you for your participation.
—Mildred Dockery, Chair, Finance/Budget Committee