2/14/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

2/14/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 2/14/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


Detective DeSerio provided statistics for service calls within the township in January, including welfare checks, assistance to other agencies, suspicious persons and vehicles, 911 calls, assaults, traffic stops, premises checks, and others for a total of 204 calls.


The tenants at the Burnt Pickle will seek assembly designation and are willing to make necessary modifications to comply with the guidelines.

The growing burn pile near Ravenna Road was discussed. Detective DeSerio suggested a call to Portage County Solid Waste might be in order due to public dumping guidelines. Mr. Ciccozzi will follow up.

A resolution authorizing the Portage County Engineer’s office to enter into a Road User Maintenance Agreement with American Transmissions Systems, INC. for work being done using Powdermill Road as a haul route was approved by all three trustees.


We have received quotes for installing security cameras at the garage and at the town hall from one company; we are still waiting for quotes from another company.

A resolution authorizing the final design proposal for Phase III of the Hudson Road project and for prepayment to the Engineer’s office was approved by all three trustees. This provides for a road widening to add a bike lane on one side of the road.

A resolution authorizing the township administrator to file for an ODNR grant to provide funding for a pickleball court (and possibly a lacrosse wall) at Phillips Park was approved.

A resolution to accept NOPEC’s 2023 Energized Community grant (@1500), which will be awarded to the Portage County Developmental Disabilities Board, was approved by all three trustees.

A resolution to accept NOPEC’s 2023 Energized Community grants for energy-related projects and improvement within the township was approved by all three trustees.


Mr. Swan received a phone call from the co-tenant of the Burnt Pickle with concerns about problems between the owner and the tenants of the property. Mr. Swan suggested putting the concerns in writing for the trustees but also recommended that issues between the owner and lessees be worked out among themselves.

Mrs. Kapusta received an email from a Pines resident related to leaf pickup. Some clarification is needed in determining whether or not there is an easement for getting into the Pines and who owns the land.


A resolution for placing a 2.0 renewal road levy on the November ballot was approved by all three trustees.

All trustees approved payment of bills totaling $118,725.54.

Lise Russell presented a JEDD financial update; this showed trends over the last five years, including a fall in revenue by approximately 17% since 2019. This can be attributed to the decreased income taxes from Schneller’s closing. The closure of North Coast Medical Academy and other small businesses.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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