8/8/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

8/8/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 8/8/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

A Westlake Blvd. resident spoke of concerns with the many people who drive on Westlake and adjacent roads in Twin Lakes at 40 mph and higher. Mr. Russell responded that trustees will contact the county engineers' office to ask about signage solutions, and Detective DeSerio also addressed her concerns. He will make sure the department knows that is a targeted area, will inquire about a portable speed warning sign, and ask that she call the non-emergency sheriff’s office number if she notices any time of day pattern to the speeding.

A Twin Lakes area resident voiced concerns about a private investigator parking on a neighborhood street for an extended period of time. Detective DeSerio responded that private investigators are not required to notify the department or divulge their purpose for being on a private road.

A resident of Spell Road addressed trustees about what he described as unfair treatment regarding brush chips on his property. After a good deal of discussion, Mr. Russell said that trustees would discuss with Mr. Akerley what needs to be done to comply with the right of way and road safety, and then have a discussion with Mr. Ciccozzi about zoning compliance, then closed public comment.

After meeting with the county engineer’s office regarding several problem trees on Crystal Street, it was determined that the township should not take down live trees unless they impede stormwater or road improvements. Also, it is difficult to determine where the right of way is on the smaller Brady Lake area roads, and the engineer’s office will survey such roads to determine the right of way.

An extended discussion was held about the two unsuccessful biddings for phase IV of the Hudson Road project. Two options discussed with the county engineer’s office were abandoning the project but paving the surface at some point or combining the two final phases and bidding them together in 2024. The engineer’s office will request to extend the deadline for phase IV so it can be done next year. Ms. Russell then gave a synopsis of funding options should the project be moved to next year.

Grant seeking CPR and first aid training for township employees has been unsuccessful; we will contact other agencies.

Two positions are now open: one retirement and one resignation from the road crew. One new employee has been hired, and the other will be posted.

Concerns have been raised about moisture in the basement of the town hall. Jenny August will be asked to contact someone to clean the gutters, which may help.

A Kent Park resident contacted Mr. Swan about concerns about problems created by a rising deer population.

Sugar Bush Knolls contacted Mr. Russell about the township plowing and salting village roads. Mr. Akerley will put together numbers about what it might cost the township to do so.

All trustees voted on and approved a resolution to authorize the transfer of $200,000 from the JEDD fund to the Fire Fund.

All trustees approved the payment of bills totaling $248,241.54.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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