12/14/2023 - Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

12/14/2023 - Streetsboro Board of Education - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 12/14/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Board President Tracy Campbell opened the 5:45 PM meeting.

The meeting began with a roll call and recitation of The Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments.

The board approved the meeting minutes from 11/09/2023.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Faculty members from Streetsboro Elementary School, Henry Defer Intermediate School, and Streetsboro High School presented progress reports on the District’s initiative to improve Reading and Math scores by drilling into test scores and making data-driven assessments to isolate the needs of every student.

A joint presentation was given for Streetsboro Elementary and Henry Defer Intermediate School. Benchmark data on fluency has been received from every student from their MAP ( Measures of Academic Progress) assessments. Students receive individualized support through WIN (What I Need). They are given clear goals for where they need to be. Students identified for intensive reading intervention receive it. But, regardless of achievement level, all students are given a path for improvement and growth. Solid ELA (English Language Arts) teaching methods that rely on the state’s standards are employed, with an overall goal of having fewer students requiring intervention. Specific subskills are identified for each level. For example, Teachers use the data to identify those skills a second grader needs to prepare for third grade. Students are responding well to being given clear goals. They are motivated and excited to reach the next level. Parental involvement has been very positive, with parents actively focusing on their children’s needs and helping them achieve the next level.

The Streetsboro High School is looking to improve upon its 4.5-star rating. There is an emphasis on Performance Index Growth. Faculty are honing in on the test score data and working on the Gap Closure Component and want to see every student “move to the right.” Gap Closure moves students toward success regardless of background or status. Common Formative Assessments (CFA) are given. It is considered the “test” before the “test”. It identifies where students need to go before taking the actual test. Faculty are concentrating on ensuring the rigor of the assessments and the education plan match the rigor of the actual test. Based on their CFA scores, students needing additional support are pulled during a 30-minute daily time block for one-on-one support. There are also Wednesday Lab Periods where students can receive targeted intervention and, in some cases, small group tutoring. A consultant has been brought in to assist with the assessment process.

Superintendent Michael Daulbaugh also mentioned that this is the end of an era for the Streetsboro School Board. Long-time School Board members Kevin Grimm and Brian Violi are ending their seats on the board at year's end by personal choice. Kevin Grimm has served on the Board for 20 years and was involved in enhancing school safety. Brian Violi has served on the Board for 13 years and was active with school construction projects. Each was presented with a plaque to commemorate their service.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Brian Haines reported that general fund expenses were up $200,000 over last year due to new contracts.

CHIEF BUSINESS OFFICER’S REPORT: Chief Business Officer CJ Scarcipino reported receiving a Certificate of Savings. Savings resulted from purchasing strategically and partly due to the district’s participation in an electric and natural gas consortium. He is asking the Board to approve the purchase of a school bus and a generator for the Board office. Purchases made with a Safety Grant include an entirely new phone system, strobe systems, and speakers that connect to PA announcements.

BOARD REPORTS: Tonia Epple reported that she had received Third-grade test scores. Scores were 32% Limitations, 30% Basic, 20% Proficient, 12% Accelerated and 5% Advanced. Eighteen fewer students were taking the test than previously taken. The district has a way to go, but it will see improvement with the current data-driven educational initiatives in place.


Board approved the purchase of a school bus for $129,123
Board approved the purchase of a Generator for the Board office for $13,192
Board approved the hire of John Hannan as new Athletic Secretary effective 1/03/2024.
Board approved the contract using the Ohio Schools Council Contract with GPD Group for professional services at the Central Services Department for $75,000.


BOARD PRESIDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS: An organizational meeting will be held on January 11, 2024, at 5:45 PM. The Board’s regular monthly meeting will follow.
An update was made to the Board Policy that updates severance language.
The board recommends that Kristin Bedford serve as President Pro Temp at the January 2024 meeting until the Board approves a President.

The Board moved into an Executive Session.

Which members of the board/council were present: Tracy Campbell, Kevin Grimm, Brian Violi, Kristin Bedford, Tonia Epple. All Board Members were present.


Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Diana L Skok

League to which this content belongs: 