Consider being a League Observer
Please take time to attend this Observer Orientation:
Our Director of Observers, Caroline Langen, and experienced Observer Debra Barger will go over what League observers do, why we do it, and answer your questions.
Current observers, we hope you will come as well!
We would appreciate a reply to let us know if you are planning to attend or, of course, if you have any questions. Thank you!
*A League Observer attends the meetings of a selected local government agency – as a rule, in person and identified with a badge as a League Observer. The observer keeps an eye out for violations of the Brown Act and for any issues that the League may want to make a statement about or simply be aware of. Observers do not participate in the meetings or make statements on behalf of the League. Observers pass on any concerns or information of interest to League leadership. They come together about once a year to compare notes. Being an Observer is an excellent way to learn about the workings of local government and track the actions of an agency you may have a particular interest in.
Agencies our Local League currently observe & their observers:
Butte County Board of Supervisors – Toni Reid
Butte County Behavioral Health Advisory Board – Ramona Flynn
Butte County Water Commission – Satsie Veith
Chico Area Recreation & Park District – Margaret Bomberg
Chico City Council – Leslie McClean
Chico Property-Based Improvement District (PBID) – Debra Barger
Durham School Board – Jo Ann Kidd
A few of the currently unobserved local government agencies you might want to adopt:
Chico Planning Commission
Oroville City Council
Paradise Town Council
Tuscan Water District (when formed)
Any of the School Boards in our region (other than Durham)