3/12/2024 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

3/12/2024 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 3/12/2024

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


Mr. Akerley discussed researching the purchase of equipment that would enable the township to create its own road signs. Additionally, the major equipment evaluation report requested by Mr. Russell was presented. A motion was made and approved by all trustees to auction two trucks and one large trailer. The proceeds will be used to buy a smaller trailer, and reallocated capital improvement funds will purchase a new crew cab 4X4.

Mr. Ciccozzi noted that if structures in the township are authorized for demolition, the township would bear the initial costs, which would later be recouped through a special assessment on the property. The property would remain with its current owner.

Mr. Smith reported the closure of two township businesses, Oh My Yum and Martial Arts, both located in Meadowview Square.


The trustees unanimously approved a resolution to vacate the paper road north of Washington Street.

Plans to bid out a project for repairing Sixth/Ohio Street are set for May 1, with the awarding scheduled post-July 1.

Consideration of an easement between Sylvan Drive and Phillips Park has been put on hold pending further advice from the prosecutor’s office.


All three trustees approved a six-month vacation time extension for Ms. August.

The next meeting scheduled for March 26 was canceled due to an expected lack of quorum.

Mr. Swan proposed conducting all township business on April 8 remotely due to anticipated high traffic volumes during the eclipse. The trustees unanimously agreed upon this suggestion.


Mr. Russell relayed correspondence from Mr. Phillippi at the Christian Life Center on Summit Road concerning flooding issues. He was directed to consult with Eric Long from the county Storm and Water departments and ODOT for further assistance.


The trustees approved the payment of bills totaling $28,091.07.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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