NewsOn May 9, 2024 the League of Women Voters of White Plains hosted a Candidates Forum for the aspiring Board of Education contenders. The seven candidates in attendance are, in alphabetical order:
Jessica Buck
- Leslie Hickey
- Cayne Letizia
- Rose Lovitch
- Craig Mondschein
- Vincent Orlando
- Ferenc Tasnady
Donna Giambalvo was unable to attend due to a family emergency.
You can find more information about the candidates from the information sheets linked above.
This is the link to the Candidates Forum.
The introduction starts at 5:32 on the linked video. The opening statements start at 10:14. White Plains residents were invited to email candidate questions to the LWVWP prior to the Forum. The questions listed below were the ones selected for the Forum; they reflect the range of issues shown by those submitted.
- New families from a broad range of backgrounds enroll in our schools every year. How can the district more systematically orient them to school and district policies, procedures and culture?
- This year’s proposed budget is a tax cap compliant increase of 1.06%, the lowest of any school district in Westchester County. To what extent do you think this budget supports your priorities for the White Plains Schools?
- In light of the book challenges and bans happening across the country, what do you see as your role as a board member in determining which books and other curriculum materials students should have access to? What would your criteria be in making these decisions?
- Recent NYS “Back to Basics” legislation… ensures that every NY classroom uses evidence-based instruction to improve reading proficiency rates. How will you evaluate whether this is being done and whether this is successful?
- Nationally and in NY State increased attention is being placed on vocational education. How do you think the White Plains Schools is doing at balancing vocational and academic programs?
- How should the Board address the increased development in White Plains and its possible impact on the school district?
- What has the district done to address hate symbols or speech in our schools or on school property, and are you satisfied with those policies?
- How would you use your role on the board to make it easier for parents of students with special needs to understand their rights and actively participate in making decisions about their child’s education?
- Pick one controversial decision the Board has made in the past year and explain your position on the issue?
- What is your position on term limits for board members?
- What would you most like to achieve in your term as a member of the WP School Board?
League to which this content belongs:
White Plains