Downriver Pride

Downriver Pride

Pride Downriver 2024


Downtown Wyandotte
Friday, June 21, 2024 - 12:00pm to Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 11:00pm

Downtown Wyandotte

Our League will be tabling at the above event on June 21 and June 22.  We will be handing out voter information, including how to register to vote.  Local members of PFLAG will also be assisting us.

The hours of the event are from 12 pm – 11 pm on both days.  More information on the event can be found at Home | Downriver Pride.

If you are able to help out, or if you have questions about the event, here is contact information for coordinators:

Karen Marie Jones – 440-263-1992; chevvy210 [at]

Laura Dudgeon – 313-561-0101; lauratom [at]