Date of Meeting: 7/11/2024
Format: In-person
Streetsboro Board of Education Meeting
Meeting Summary:
The Regular Meeting of the Streetsboro Board of Education was called to order on July 11, 2024, at 5:45 PM.
President Kristin Bedford opened the meeting with a Roll Call and the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments.
The Regular Meeting Minutes from the 06/01/2024 Special Meeting, 06/13/2024 Regular Meeting, and 06/27/2024 fiscal meeting were approved.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: This was Superintendent Michael Daulbaugh’s final meeting before his retirement. He published a letter to staff and the Streetsboro Community to thank them for their support. As his final act as superintendent, he thanked CJ Scarpino, Brian Haines, Andreas Johansson, and members of the Board, past and present, for their dedication and the support he received during his tenure.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasure Brian Haines gave a quick general fund review. For June, the district received revenue of approximately $577,000, mainly due to the June State Foundation payment. Expenditures exceeded revenues, with the most significant spending on salaries and benefits. The cash balance at the end of June is approximately $11 million. Mr Haines recommended that the Board approve a one-year agreement with K-12 Business Consulting that does not exceed $6,900. The agreement with K-12 is slightly more expensive than in past years. Mr. Haines also recommended that the district continue with the current agreement with Rea & Associates to maintain the accounting system. The cost to the district for this service generally runs about $1,000/year.
CHIEF BUSINESS OFFICER REPORT: CJ Scarpino recommended that the Board approve the HVAC maintenance contract with Gardiner. Mr. Scrapino also recommended approval of a memorandum of understanding between the district and the City of Streetsboro for the services of a School Resource Officer. This is a creative agreement between the schools and the city, where the city provides the services of a School Resource Officer in exchange for using the school facilities. In the past, the city used the school facilities for the Sr. Center and Parks & Recreation before the new city offices were built. The City of Streetsboro will cover the cost of a second full-time SRO.
BOARD REPORTS: Sara Scott reported that an Education Funding Grant was approved for the Yearbook and gave a brief legislative update: 15 education bills, including proposed changes to teacher licensure, are moving through the Ohio State legislature
All Board members approved CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS B-K.
The board moved the following regular meetings: The August 8 Regular Meeting to August 14th and the October 10th meeting to October 8.
Transportation for several students was declared impractical for the 2024-2025 school year. After carefully considering all available options, these students will be offered payment in-lieu of transportation.
Michael Dahlaugh provided additional background on the Board’s decision to rescind its approval of Board Policy 9.10. Under federal law, the board must make the change by August 1. The Board proactively approved the necessary update during the June 2024 meeting. Since the June approval, the Board received a letter stating that a court case was pending to stop the policy from going into place and that the old policy must remain in effect. The Board has to rescind the change and keep the old policy until the outcome of the current court case is known.
There was no NEW BUSINESS.
There was no OLD BUSINESS.
The Board adjourned at 6:07 PM.
The following members of the board/council were present: Kristin Bedford, Tracy Campbell, Tonia Epple, Kelly Rich, and Sara Scott. All board members were present.
Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes
Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes
Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes
Name of Observer: Diana L Skok