There are five statewide ballot measures that have been certified to be on the Massachusetts State Election ballot on November 5, 2024.
Attached below is a summary of each Ballot Question, and information as to what a “yes” or “no” vote would do as described in the Information for Voters Booklet. We strongly urge you to review the information booklet provided by Secretary Galvin for a full understanding of what the proponents and opponents argue regarding each ballot question.
The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts has taken no position on any of the questions, but the Center for State Policy Analysis at Tufts University has published a Voters’ Guide to 2024
Massachusetts Ballot Questions.
You can also check out a recorded session with the Center’s Executive
Director Evan Horowitz hosted by the Concord League. The session gives an
independent policy analysis for each of the questions as well as a quick overview
of the ballot initiative process