LWVWellesley Reparation Study Consensus Meeting #1 -All Members Welcome!

LWVWellesley Reparation Study Consensus Meeting #1 -All Members Welcome!


Warren Building, Room 008
90 Washington Street,
Wellesley Massachusetts 02482
Massachusetts US
Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 1:00pm

As a local League of Women Voters, we have three months to decide whether we support the idea of having our State League (LWVMA) develop a position in advocating for reparations to Black Americans. Everyone is encouraged to join us at any point to learn more about this process and share your thoughts. Reparations Study/We Need Your Participation

The question at hand is whether LWVMA (& LWVW) should support the idea of our country making reparations to make up for inequities in wealth, health, educational opportunities, and legal rights caused by historical and current racism. The study materials make it clear that payment is just one of many options. Systemic inequality may also be addressed through Culture & Symbols, Housing, Transportation, Education, Legal Systems and Health. LWVMA Reparations Study for Black Americans. LWVMA will compile the local consensus results in early March and present the conclusions to the state convention in June 2025.

The League is renowned for our meticulous studies to reach member consensus on an issue. Developing a position or broad policy statement allows League members to research and learn about issues then discuss them to come to a consensus option on how to take action.

Since there are 12 Consensus Questions  for us to consider, we will hold two Consensus Meetings in the next few months.

Thursday, 1/23/25, 1pm - 3pm Study Questions A1/B1-2/C

Thursday, 2/6/25, 1pm - 3pm Study Questions C/D1-6/E1 & Wrap Up

As a member, this is your chance to ask your questions and help guide our League towards a new Position that may inform our advocacy for years to come. Join us, ask questions, and help us figure out what our LWVW has to say in all this.




Meeting Handout & Agenda

LWVMA Reparations Study Guide




Contact Information
Bonny Nothern, LWVW President
lwvwellesley2 [at] gmail.com