Looking to the future, the League of Women Voters is moving to a centralized dues processing system. Starting in 2025, instead of paying your dues to the League of the Women Voters of Kent, you will be paying the League of Women Voters US.
In order to make this change as seamless as possible - WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW!
You will be receiving an email from LWVUS (IT IS NOT SPAM) early in February asking you to complete individual information.
Why is LWVUS adopting a unified dues system?
- This will increase and diversify overall membership and will increase our ability to fulfill our mission.
- Restructuring dues will increase funding at state and local levels.
- Adopting technology that streamlines dues processing will free up time to focus on substantive work.
- Read the LWVUS Member Frequently Asked Questions here.
Once you open the LWVUS email, you'll be asked to click and go to a secure site to create a login.
The login form should already include information you provided the Kent League when you first joined, such as your address. You'll be able to update that account whenever you have changes to personal information, such as a new address or new email.
What kind of local support will there be for this change?
Jane Preston Rose, our Roster Manager, spoke at our Jan. 6 All Member Meeting about the transition using ChapterSpot (an organization membership platform) and the new dues system. Read Jane's comments from the meeting here.
As a current Kent League member, you won't be asked to pay any renewal dues at this time. Your renewal date is July 1, 2025. Jane explains that further in her comments.
Our focus right now is supporting you in setting up the login. Here's how you can find help:
- EMAIL questions to Jane at janeprestonrose [at] yahoo.com.
- CALL Jane at 330-678-9127. Or call 330-271-6188, our League phone, which is answered by Barb Hipsman Springer.
- PLAN TO ATTEND if needed LWV Kent TECHLab on Thurs., Feb. 13, 6 p.m., before the All Member Meeting for one-on-one help setting up the login. The location is Kent Social Services, 1066 S. Water St., Kent. Additional dates, same times and place: Mon., March 17, and Thurs., April 24.