New Changes Coming to the League Nationally and Locally

New Changes Coming to the League Nationally and Locally

LWV is creating a new online membership portal for all Leagues across the country, which will launch in February 2025. The portal will be used to Join, Renew and change your information such as name, address and contact information.

Note that between January 31st, and February 3rd, when the system launches, you will not be able to join or renew online on our website.  Please be patient with us while we load the new system on our site.


When the new system launches, members will receive an email invitation to log in to the new portal and create an account for themselves.  Then, when your annual membership comes due for renewal, the system will email you 60 days, then 30 days in advance to renew online.  You will also have the option to sign up to auto-renew annually.  Payment will be made online, by credit card, ACH or Stripe.

There will still be an option to renew by check for members who don't use the internet, but members who are able to access the online portal are strongly encouraged to renew that way. If you do pay your dues by check, please make it out to:

LWVUS and mail your check to: 

LWV ACJ Area, PO Box 125, Jenkintown, PA. 19046

Dues will no longer be a fixed rate. The recommended dues amount for all members across the country will be $75, but members can pay any amount above a minimum of $20.  Your dues payment will be split among the national, state, and local Leagues, with LWV Abington Cheltenham Jenkintown Area receiving 20% to support our local work (a greater percentage than under the old system).

There will also be the opportunity on the platform to make a separate, additional contribution directly to LWV Abington-Cheltenham-Jenkintown Area, all of which will go to support our local work.

We hope these changes will make managing your membership easier. On a League level, we hope to increase membership around the country and increase our ability to empower voters and defend democracy.

Thank you for being a member of our League. If you joined us, thank you for joining us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us with your questions at acj.league [at]

For FAQs and more information, please click the menu on our header under Membership.