There are several positions up for election in both Hamilton and Wenham and there is still time to throw YOUR hat in the ring! Nomination papers are available from your Town Clerk and are due back by Thursday, February 20th.
There are three Regional School Committee seats up for election. Candidates appear on both towns’ ballots.
Hamilton’s ballot will also have the following seats on it: Select Board (2), Town Moderator (1), Board of Assessors (1), Planning Board (3), and Library Trustees (1).
Wenham’s will include: Select Board (2), Board of Assessors (1), Board of Health (1), Library Trustees (1), Planning Board (2), Water Commission (2), and Housing Authority (2). Additionally, there are two ballot questions in Wenham.
For more detailed info, visit:
Hamilton Town Clerk - Election Information Page
Wenham Town Clerk - Election Information Page