Job Description: President / Co-President
As (Co-)President, you will plan and carry out League activities, manage League operations, and develop organizational goals, working closely with other board members. The responsibility of overseeing the League gives you an opportunity to direct and lead the organization.
President’s Duties:
- Preside over board meetings in accordance with parliamentary procedure typically once a month for 90 minutes.
- Prepare agendas for board meetings with input from board members.
- Represent the League with LWVC and LWVUS when necessary, attend state and national conventions when possible.
- Represent the League with the Butte County Office of Elections when negotiating contracts or organizing League assistance to the Elections Office.
- Speak for the League locally when necessary.
- Work with Program Committee Chairs, Communications Director, and Facebook Administrator as necessary to ensure that League events are properly publicized.
- Preside over Annual Meeting and other Member Meetings as needed, including preparation of agendas.
- Publish the Voter Newsletter and other member communications as needed.
- Serve as Ex-Officio member of most LWVBC committees.
- Manage operations such as the League Office rent, insurance, utilities, etc.
With other board members:
- Plan and oversee League events and activities.
- Protect the League’s nonpartisan reputation and educate members on the importance of this policy.
- Encourage members to become more active in the League and take on leadership roles.
- Help recruit new members.
- Oversee financial condition of League; approve annual budget.
- Educate yourself about League positions and organization on national, state, and local levels.
- Work to promote the League’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policy.