Job Description: Secretary
As Secretary, you will record minutes for board meetings and member meetings where League business is conducted and sign documents as secretary when required.
Chief Duties of Secretary:
- Record minutes of regular and special board meetings and other League business meetings such as the annual meeting and keep electronic records of these minutes.
- Send board minutes to president in time to be distributed with agenda before the next board meeting.
- Sign official documents as secretary of the League when required.
- Make sure the current bylaws and Articles of Incorporation are available in the League office (per LWVBC Bylaws Art., Sec. 4, Paragraph b.)
- Sign League checks if needed in absence of Treasurer and President.
With other board members:
- Attend board meetings as scheduled whenever possible, typically once a month for 90 minutes on Zoom.
- Plan and oversee League events and activities.
- Protect the League’s nonpartisan reputation and educate members on the importance of this policy.
- Encourage members to become more active in the League and take on leadership roles.
- Help recruit new members.
- Oversee financial condition of League; approve annual budget.
- Educate yourself about League positions and organization on national, state, and local levels.
- Work to promote the League’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policy.
Revised September 2023