Celebrate Presidents’ Day with Brief the Chief

Celebrate Presidents’ Day with Brief the Chief

Brief the Chief
Blog Post

 Want to Try a Fab Vacation Activity:

Who said civics education had to be dry and dull? iCivics is back with an all new interactive game called Brief the Chief! Celebrate Presidents Day by taking on the job of advising the president through historical events and challenges. Interact with people in and around the White House. Consult with confidants within the White House and use evidence-based reasoning to provide a presidential briefing.
Advise Presidents Johnson, Lincoln, and Jefferson on landmark events and important historical decisions:

Start Playing

This Presidents’ Day, let students experience history firsthand by assigning one of iCivics' newest interactive games, Brief the Chief. Students will talk to key stakeholders, gather evidence, and help guide critical decisions in American history, including:

  • Should LBJ run for a second term? 
  • How might President Lincoln respond to the situation at Ft. Sumter? 
  • What can President Jefferson do about the Port of New Orleans?
Brief the Chief Pres Headshots-1

Made in partnership with the White House Historical Association, Brief the Chief challenges students to think independently, make decisions, and connect past events to the present. 

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