Government: Butte County Budgeting Process

Government: Butte County Budgeting Process

Support a long-range creative planning process for establishing the annual Butte County Budget
Position In Brief: 

1. Support methods whereby citizens may provide input to budget and budgeting policies, including advisory boards.

2. Support methods for informing the citizens of county needs and county proce­dures in the budget process.

3. Encourage increasing county revenue sources by:

a.    Exploration of profit-making enterprises 

b.    New development fees and establishment of special districts

c.     Charging fees for direct services

4. Support an objective formula that would establish cost-effective services with a balance between need, number served, geographic area, cost of service and reve­nue generating potential.

5. Support cost effective contracting for services considering maximum efficiency and type of service.

6. Support policy for the provision of services that will consider needs of citizens ver­sus convenience for county personnel.

7. Support volunteer service where there is no critical dependency.

8. Support a professional budgeting process that uses technically appropriate meth­ods consistent with the above objectives.

Position on State and Local Finances (State)

Position History: 
A Three-Year Study, 1980 – 1982
Reviewed and Clarified, 1992



League to which this content belongs: 
Butte County