10/12/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

10/12/2021 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 10/12/2021

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

Public Comment: Portage County Sheriff Detectives DeSerio reported a total of 244 incidents in September in the township. Detective James described an initiative called PACE (Portage Aggressive Crime Enforcement) which occurred from September 24 through 26th and resulted in three people arrested on felony warrants, a number of search warrants executed, 54 traffic stops, some of which resulted in a collection of meth, fentanyl, and synthetic marijuana.

Kent Fire Chief Bill Myers described a number of incidents in Franklin Township today, including a serious fire on Hissom Lane involving a number of mutual aid calls.

A couple who are owners of a Franklin Township building has an interested buyer who proposes to apply to the state to set up a medical marijuana dispensary. Mr. Ciccozzi described the process at the township level, including the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Zoning Board.

Zoning Report: Submitted as written and attached to the official record. In addition, at a Bureau of Zoning Appeals meeting a conditional use variance for a medical marijuana dispensary was approved and a separate structure variance on North Blvd. was denied.

Fire Report: Mr. Smith is still working with Jones Hookah Palace on various issues.

Road Report: Report submitted by Keith Benjamin and Lee Smith and attached to the official record. Chipping is done; road crew will be working on ditching. They pulled a dead tree out of the water on Lakeview Drive, and will work on mowing in the coming week. A paving project for Rankin, Iraquois, and Hartman was approved in the amount of $40,000. Also approved was for the same firm to complete the Phillips Park pathway.

Old Business
A new truck is being sought for use by the road department; after it is spec’d out the cost is likely to be approximately $140,000.

Portage County Solid Waste District discussions are ongoing regarding the district’s plan to exit the contract with the township early.

The job description for Road Superintendent will be ready to be presented publicly at the next meeting when all three trustees are available for the discussion.

The township has received a letter from Davey Tree announcing its intention of seeking annexation of its Rt 43 property by the City of Kent. There was a discussion of the implications of this, and an intention stated to open a discussion with them about alternatives.

Correspondence: A request to waive the rental fee for the pavilion at Brady Lake Park for the PCDD Special Olympics was approved.

Payment of bills totaling $69,027.41 was approved.

Which members of the board/council were present: Keith Benjamin, Scott Swan. Ann Hanna absent because of family illness.

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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